
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We are now on Holidays

We are officially on holidays~!!  We started Friday afternoon.  Yep, even before all my public school friends here in Australia.  No more school for 8 weeks.   We worked really hard this year, and now it is time to have a real rest.  
Well, the children can rest.  I've got some ideas and things that I want to do.   I want to do a number of posts on curriculum, and I'm also planning on writing up a few more books.  :o)
As far as school is concerned I just have to sit down and program for next year now.  I've started it, but just need to get serious about finishing it.  Everything is pretty much taken care of.   I even have a bunch of photocopying and printing already done.  I know, super organised.

I'll still be here doing show and tell and sharing stuff.  :o)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thanksgiving Maths

Here's an opportunity to practice greater than and less than with the 2x tables.
There is both a greater than and a less than work matt in the pack.
Skip counting by 2 cards.
More skip counting.

Yep, you guessed it.  More skip counting.

And recording worksheets.

And while we are talking Thanksgiving I just want to let you know that I tweaked my Thanksgiving packet and added some more pages:

And I added PHOTOS for some of the finished products.

And time for me to link up and share in the larger community at:


Freebie Fridays
Thanks for visiting.

Monday, October 29, 2012


Today is going to be a good day.  Yep, a good day for you.
Today I'm sharing my Thanksgiving packet with you for FREE.  For a limited time though.
Oh and don't forget to check out the other stuff that's in the packet HERE.
There's a cut and paste vocabulary page.
Some stick puppets for creative play.

Label the Turkey.

Writing paper for .......writing.
Had, Were, Did pages.  ( I had a heap of formating issues with these pages, so they are still a bit higgety piggety all over the place.)  The combination of border, clipart, and word art made it chuck a fit and it would dump the word art.  I did manage to get some good pages out of it though.
A cut and foldable.  Cut out, fold and cut to separate the two sets of peoples.
So that when you open the top half you can write about the Indians.
Then you can open up the bottom and write about the Pilgrims.
I've also included a basic hat template.  It's not a one step, two step, three step done though.  It's just the idea of a hat for an idea.
I do hope you enjoy the unit.
Let me know if there's anything else you think would work in it.  I'd like to finish it off and put a price tag on it.  :o)
Thanks for much for visiting.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

What We're Reading

Here's what we are reading this week:

Chloe has really started getting into listening.  Like seriously listening to the stories now.  The other girls still like to play while I read, but Chloe likes to sit down next to me to listen.  It's really nice.  Sometimes we even have a little chat in between chapters.

Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Sneak Peek

I just thought that I'd drop in and give you a sneak peek into a couple of the activities that I've put in my new Thanksgiving book.

This particular activity has 3 pages to print. 

This is the base page.  I've cut it down a little so that it would fit on the colored background paper.  Not necessary, but I just wanted it to look nicer.

The second page - which goes over on top is colored and cut down to fit over the base page.  Each person strip is separated by cutting along the line.

That way when you lift a person up it reveals a space behind them.

The words and pictures are from the 3rd page for this activity.  That way if your students can't read / draw - no problem.  It's all done for them.  All they have to do is color, cut and paste.  But for the older or more competant children, you can just have them draw or write in the space provided. 

I love that I can give this activity to all 3 of my girls and differentiate it to their level. 

Another activity that I included was 3 accordion books.  They are just mini High Frequency Word books to make.  I've included instructions on how to make the accordion book bases too.

Here's one of them done already.  This is the front cover. 

This story is about what they each brought to Thanksgiving, and works well with the previous activity.

I also have a few other gems in the book as well.  Can't wait to do show and tell with them too.  I just need my little guinea pigs darling children to come play.  LOL

I am hoping that I will have this book uploaded soon.  Sort of thinking that I might still tweak it a little. 

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Last Day of School

Yep, we made it~!!  We're here~!!  T H E   L A S T   D A Y of school.
By the time you all read this we will have started our holidays.  :o)
But first, I'll have to do some show and tell.
Here's a collaboratory project for all 3 girls that we did this week.
Animal Habitats.
Which you can get for FREE here.
Oh by the way the glue is still awesome.  I made it Monday morning and popped it in the fridge when we weren't using it and it is still all good.

Something new that I added this week for Miss Hannah for fun was a "feed the cat" game.  It's made out of a cereal box.  I just used a large puppet head and some pretty paper and voila - all made and ready to go.
Then I just added some words that she knows so she could practice with.  As she read each word she fed it to the cat.  :o)
The best thing about this is that I can use it for other types of practice as well.  ie.  Maths
Hannah also did a couple of pages of writing as well.
Phebe did an alphabet order.

Chloe started reading another book.  This series has been a HUGE hit with her.

She also worked on her 2 x tables.  We also used the little Bee cards too, which she is quite liking.

And this week I got the following FREEBIES from Rachelle over at Life Is Sweet in Kindergarten.  I hope you will visit her, she has some awesome stuff~!!

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tell Me Something Good

Tell Me Something Good
I hope you will join us for this round of "tell me something good."
Something Good at School:

This is our last week of school for the year.  Yay~!!  In fact, only two more days of bookwork.  Then..............8 glorious weeks of fun and play.

We are having our end of school year party next Wednesday if you'd care to join us.   It's a formal dress up, sit down, High Tea.  :o)  If you can't make it, that's ok, I'll be doing an awesome show and tell on it on Thursday.  :o)   A post not to be missed.
Something Good at Home:
Today we are expecting to hear that the the little boys will be able to go and spend two nights away with their mum.  Yep, overnight stays.  If approval comes through this will be their first overnight stay with her in nearly 2 years.  Well, technically she has had overnight stays with them already - when she lived here, but it's different when they live somewhere else.  Either way, the whole thing is a bit complicated, as you can understand, but the good news is that we are making progress.  :o)

I hope it goes super good and is the beginning of a quick transition of giving them back to her.

Thanks for visiting.

Multiple Phonogram Craft Pages

Today I have a FREEBIE for you~!!
Remember those Multiple Phonogram craft pages that Hannah has been using these last few weeks?   The ones that work in conjunction with my Multiple Phonogram Word Sorts?  Well here they are:
Just click the cover to go get them.  :o)
Here's the book that they work with ( just in case you are curious ):

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wooden Jigsaws

Today I want to show you how I store our wooden jigsaws.
I keep them all in an easy access plastic tub with individual bags.  That way the children just grab ONE jigsaw at a time and they don't get all the pieces mixed up together.   This style of storage also makes it less likely that pieces will go missing too. When they are finished they just put it back into the bag and pop it back into the tub.
They sit nicely stacked in the tub in such a way that it is very easy for the children to flick through them to see/find the one that they want to do.
Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Got Nothing

Nope, nudda, nothing.  Well, nothing schooly to share with you today.
Been totally busy with carpet cleaning the house.  That means a lot of furniture got moved.  A lot of housework got done.  The patio got filled up with furniture and the children got to sit outside a lot.  Not that they minded because it was a most delicious day.
The two little boys are away on respite at the farm.
We did a little school.  That was mostly color, cut and paste.
Then we went out and did some fun shopping after lunch.
So the only thing I have for show and tell today are these:
20 x 200g.

and these:
24 x 250g.
Occasionally we buy bulk.  Like really bulk.  Still in the boxes bulk, like the main supermarkets get their stuff in.
We put them in the carport in what we call our "shop".  It's really just a big pantry made out of a couple of cupboards.
There's 10 of us in the house.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.  :o)
Do you ever buy bulk?  If yes, what DO you buy?


Monday, October 22, 2012

Fun Friday on a Monday

Yep, it's going to have to be a Fun Friday on a Monday today.
This cool little link up is hosted by Kelly from Teaching Fourth.  I hope you will join us~!!
Fun Lesson
The girls really, really, really had a lot of fun doing peg counting.  Such a simple idea, but so much fun.

Fun Lesson from someone else
I used some playdoh mats that I got off TpT.
Fun Fall
Ummmmm, we are actually having spring over here in Australia.  The weather has been slowly warming up and is absolutely delicious today~!!  The trees are all coming on green.  I can even see the cherry tree with a few good cherries starting out too.  Can't wait for those.~!!
Fun Pin
1 Pin - are you serious?  Doesn't everybody know how addictive that place is?  I can't have just ONE pin.  What type of pinner would I be if I didn't have 100 even.  ROFLOL
Ok, ok, but since I can only have 1 - I've popped in a little cupcake.  :o)
Fun Freebies
Darlings, I ALWAYS have freebies going on my blog.    This week I had a multiplication freebie for skip counting by 2 in a Bee theme.
Thanks for visiting~!!

New Babies at the House

Just a quick little post to share our good news.  Yesterday we became the proud new parents of 5 little chookies.
Sorry about the lack of quality in the photos.  I was a couple of metres away using a zoom.
We got 2 white ones and 3 black ones.  The black ones are Australorps, and the white ones are Light Sussexs'.  They are only 6 weeks old.
So it will be a while before they start laying.  In the mean time they will make awesome pets for the children.
ps.  Did you know that eggs come out WET and SOFT but harden very quickly?
Thanks for visiting.