
Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Update

I've had quite a few new followers join us - thank you!! so I thought that I would do a catch me up on who I am, who we are as a family, and what this blog is all about.  :o)

Me, myself, and I.   Who am I?
I am Deborah.  I'm a stay at home homeschooling mum with an addiction fondness for paper and school stuff.  :o)  I also like to make the odd early elementary resource. 
I live in Australia with my beautiful family.  My husband Adrian and I have been married for 19 years and we have 8 children + 2.

Here are my current 3 main full time students.  The ones I usually talk about and do show and tell for here on the blog.

We have Hannah 3y8m on the left, Chloe 7y in the middle, and Phebe 5 on the right.
Hannah does Kindergarten, Chloe is just about to embark on Grade 3, and Phebe is half way through Grade 1.
Here are my two grandsons who also live with us.  Kadafi is 3 and Letrell is almost 2.  Kadafi takes quite an interest when Hannah is doing her school work and often wants to join in. 

I am hoping to find photos of Master 15 and Master 16.  Here's to hoping.  :o)

Might be harder to do than I think. Mmmmm - where's the camera?

My 18 and 23 year olds are all grown up and have gone out into the big wide world.

* * * * * * *
Edited to add:
I feel so bad, I forgot about the baby.
This is Charlotte - she's one, and can walk now.  She also whines the word "mum" like a siamese cat constantly.  It is SUPER cute.  :o)  My baby is now a toddler.
* * * * * * *
I mostly keep this blog as a way of documenting some of the things that we do for homeschooling.  I like to do a fair amount of show and tell.  I also like to share worksheets and things that I make, and things of interest as they pop up.

This week we are technically still on holidays, BUT that doesn't stop us from doing the odd schooly thing.  No sir, it does not. 

Chloe read a couple of chapters from next years reader:

I also had her review her Days of the Week and Months of the Year.  Something that she really does need to work on, still.

Phebe tried out some number / maths work for me.

I also let her try out Singapore Maths 1a book 2 as well.

The Base 10 blocks got a good workout in our house this week.  Awesome happy that I got a set, they are heaps fun.  Well, the girls think they are fun.  :o)

Hannah started Learning to Read by Christian Light Education.  This is the 3rd time I will have used this course.  I absolutely LOVE it.  It truly has made my life so much easier.  Easier is much more fun.  :o)

Here she practiced writing / d / but I do not teach her to write the letter as they do.  I teach her to write the body FIRST - it helps to avoid inducing dyslexic tendencies.  Long story, short.

The letter / s / is a pretty good challenge letter.

I am also giving her practice pages from their black line master booklets which I also have.  That way we can "test" her out so to speak before she does her real run in the workbook.

And since they already introduce "sight" words here is how we looked at them this week.  I added some other words as well - since we also have our noses in Rod and Staff Reading 1 too.  Hannahs up to Lesson 8 in their reader already.  I think that I might need to go to Curriculum Junkies Anonymous.

Flash cards.
Making words.

Wow, a super long post from me today.  :o)

This week I'm linking up with:


I do hope that you will join us~!!

Thanks for visitng.  :o)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Counting Base 10

I got some new awesome clipart this week and I was super busting to start using them.  I've had this idea for yonkie donks and was so super excited when I found THE perfect clipart set that would work well with what I wanted to do.
In celebration I just want to share my first little math center made from my newly acquired clipart set ( by zip-a-dee-doo-dah Designs ).
Count by 10's.  There are 26 cards in the pack.  Just print, laminate, cut apart, and pop into your math center.  I've already got my set ready to go.  :o)
I've included a recording worksheet too.  ( but am thinking I might want to fancy it up a bit when I get some more time ).
Anyway, just click the picture to get a copy.  :o)
Chloe and I already had a play ( I found a single error and have fixed it in the file and re-uploaded it already ).

We also used real Base 10 blocks as well.

Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Community Workers Freebie

I was just sitting here doing some printing, ok a LOT of printing,  and I was thinking, "What am I going to post on my blog for  tomorrow?"

 I didn't have anything organised, so I figured I'd whip up a Community Worker thingy ma-jingy.

* * * * * * *

Edited to add:   Well, it's just after 3am but I just wanted to let you know that I updated this to add 11 more community workers - so it's a pack of 12 now.

I figured if you were going to download a freebie, it would be nice if I made it worth while.  :o)

and I'm just travelling BACK in time to link up with:

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Game boards Freebie

It's been a while since I gave you all an alphabet game board.
So I thought it would be nice to add a couple more.
Here's one for the letter / f /,
and one for the letter / g /.
Thanks for visiting.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Lovely Landforms

Yay, I got my Landform book done~!!
It ended up being 131 pages.  Here are some samples of what is in it.  :o)
Just click each set to see them bigger.

Don't forget to go and have a look at how the Wall Mural and Desert project pages came out.  Just click the Landform category to find it.
Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Arctic Freebie

Today I just wanted to drop in and let you all know about my latest freebie, Arctic Odd and Even.
It has 2 sets of cards to choose from and a sorting board.  Numbers up to 30.
and I think I might have forgotten to tell you all about this other little freebie that I've got as well.

Thanks for visiting.

Just jumping back in to link up with:


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Landforms Desert

Today I was working on my newest book which will be on 11 different landforms, and I was so happy with todays addition that I just had to come and do a sneak peek with you all.
I was making samples to go into the book.  I asked my 3 little students - grade 2, grade 1, and kindergarten if they could help me out.
As soon as I said the word, "Paint" they were totally IN.  ok, I think I might have started the conversation with something about paying them for helping me work on my book.  It's a bit fuzzy now.  They are supposed to be on holidays.
So we made a Wall Mural.  This is quite a big piece in real life.  Each separate landform piece is on an A4 piece of black paper ( there are 12 separate pages which I then joined up together ).
I read / perused a book on Deserts with the girls so that we would have something to draw information from then we wrote down some "have" and "are" things.
Teacher / Student sample page on how to use the notetaking pages.
I even colored them in.  :o)
Chloe's Grade 2 sample.  We added painted page toppers to their work.  Looks awesome~!!
Phebe's Grade 1 sample.
Hannah's Kindergarten sample.  Hannah is actually only 3y7m old, so I thought her work was amazing~!!
I am hoping to get this book done early in the coming week.  It is clearly going to be a MEGA pack as it already has 130 something pages in it.  I just need to get some serious time to get it done - all the ideas are there, all the templates are there, I just need that time.  :o)
These photos will be IN the new book too~!!
Thanks for visiting.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Cyber Monday

Michelle from 3amTeacher is having an awesome linky party for Cyber Monday.

On Monday I'll be joining up with TpT for a Cyber Sale too~!!

You'll be able to get up to 28% off purchases from my store.

I'll have everything in my store for sale on Monday and Tuesday.  I know, I know, a bargain right?  Because as you know my stuff is already cheap~!!  The highest price in my store only goes to $4.50 and if you take 28% off - now that's a REAL BARGAIN~!!  Especially since some of those packs have over 100 pages in them.  So Monday and Tuesday are going be awesome for all you shoppers.

And I have some great new products too~!! 

Need anything for Arctic, Farm, or Zoo?  Check those out, and don't forget to grab the freebies that are available as well.

I have also BUNDLED up all my Froggy Consonant Blend packs into one big file.  Save yourself $3.50 by purchasing them in the bundle instead of individually.

Have some fun and go window shopping in my store.  :o)

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Homeschooler -

 Thanks for visiting.


Friday Update and Freebie

This week Hannah still did a couple of things even though she is on school holidays.
We worked on the /ab/ word family.  I really LOVED that she could write these herself.  No tracing.  Yay~!!
And she started counting 11-20.  I am hoping like crazy that she will be able to write her numbers 0 - 9 all by herself before school resumes.

If you are interested, I have the Counting 11-20 Koalas for FREE over at TpT.  Just click the picture below to go grab a copy.  :o)

This week I'm joining up with:

I hope you will join us.
Thanks for visiting.