
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bible Craft

A little Bible craft that the girls did.
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks upon the heart.  1 Sam 16:7b.

Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Making Storage Look Better

Well, I've been at it again.  Yep, making my little storage tubs look nicer.  I've picked up a few more since we last did some show and tell on them.  I need them for all the fiddly math and literacy centers I've been adding.
Here is how they look now:
Cute, hey?  Same little Owl theme, just pink.  Oh, and I just need to label them like the other ones as well. 
Thanks for visiting.

Friday, December 28, 2012

You Make Me Smile

Just enjoying the last few days of vacation before we get back to school full time again on Monday.

Something that I haven't done for a little while - I found some time to make a card.
You Make Me Smile
I'm a little out of practice but I still like how it turned out.
There are a number of pieces pop dotted off the page.
I quite like these types of stamps because you can always make a little scene with them.
How's your vacation going?
And today I'm going to link up with:
Magnolia Down Under Challenges
Thanks for visiting. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Multiplication x 2

Well, I've been busy getting all my ducks in a row for when school resumes, and for some reason I've added some more multiplication, this time in the form of some games.

I've actually put games in there for multiplication, division, and fractions.

And then I went and added recording worksheets too.

If  you'd like a copy just click on ANY picture above for this set.
Today I am linking up with:
I hope you will join us.
Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hannah the Kindergartener

Little Miss Hannah ( 3y8m ) has now finished her FIRST Learn To Read module, and she scored:

Yep, she got 100%.
We also bought Hannah her very first card box.  She was totally excited about that.

I put some cards in there and put two dividers in as well.  I used a couple of elephant cut outs for the dividers.

And so we added a spot for her LTR things, and one for her Commands of Christ cards.
Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


This week we've had our noses in:

There are 4 short novels in the above book, and we're on the first one.  Phebe in particular is enjoying it.
* * * * * * *
Oh and we've had our noses in this book too:

Thanks for visiting.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Project 365

Well, I decided to do a mid week update on Project 365.  I just felt that doing 7 things in one post was a lot.  Especially since I wanted to add quite a few photos.
20 - Bear
I read this book:

Then I read this book.

With beautiful pictures and simple text.

Then we did a little paper craft.
This one was done by Hannah.
This one by myself.  Yep, nothing wrong with having a second childhood.  Besides, Chloe was still too ill to make one.

This one was done by Phebe.

Then I made each girl a simple calendar book and used them as the covers.  I got the calendar pages online for free.  There are a number of free calendar booklets available these days.

Chloe is probably a bit too old for it, but oh well, Phebe and Hannah should get quite a lot out of them.

I had planned for the girls to do a little writing, but it didn't happen.  Here's what I was going to use.  Just click the picture if you want a copy.  :o)

21 - Henry VIII

Don't forget to check out the youtube video I posted of Henry VIII the other day.

These coloring pages came from HERE.

For some reason Phebe didn't want to put her Henry in her history book, she wanted to put him on a stick on the fridge.


22 - Follow Me

 Even Hannah did one too.

 Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Salads and Cards

In our effort to increase being healthy we started eating more salads.   We never used to eat these.  But here we are, more aware of what our bodies require to run.

So here's what was in our last salad that we ate.
Half mixed.

What was hiding inside it.

Green leaf salad mix
Red / Green capsicums
Raw cashews
Chia seeds
salad dressing
* * * * * * * * *
And since it's still holiday time Chloe had some fun with making some cards.

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Garden Update and Henry VIII

We only have a week and a half left of our big school holidays.  Then we'll be back to it full time. 
Where did the time go? Did I rest enough? Ummmm, no, I quite possibly didn't rest at all. Perhaps I should take a week off? Could I actually do that? Yes, I have permission, but I'm a driven sort of person. Always finding things to put my hands to, so I don't know how to just "rest and relax".   If I lay down you KNOW I'm going to get inspired to jump straight back up and make or do something.
This week the family has been under viral attack with some sort of tummy bug.  Well, most of the family, so far I've managed to escape it personally, but I've had to pick up the slack and do the extra work and a HEAP more washing.
Anyway, the good news is that Chloe went and made a wolf.  A day late, but she still managed to get one put together.

Oh yes, the garden.   We are a few days late, but better late than not at all this month I guess.
Capsicums are growing awesome.  :o)

The tomatoes are growing awesome also.  These are VERY BIG, but they are also under attack.  We have fruit fly in the area, so we're not fareing too well in that department.  Lots of fruit but we're losing them before they make it inside.

I think we might have grown the smallest red capsicum ever.  It just goes to show you the difference between different types of plants.  Some are big, some not so big.   I've kept their tags so I'll know which ones to buy next time.

The children have been slightly very TV deprived so when I started allowing them to watch the odd Horrible History clilp I started getting requests for them daily.   They LOVE the little songs even if they don't really fully grasp the history part completely.  A little here, a little there.
Today we'll be looking at Henry VIII as part of our Project 365. 

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Project 365

Last week I introduced my latest project, 'Project 365'.  Here's how we went:

December 2012

13 - Insects

I read this book.

Then we did these:


If you'd like a copy of them just click the folowing picture.

and for the other worksheets click this one:

14 - Oliver Cromwell

We put him on a little 3 x 5 card.  Wow, ummmmm there's quite a bit more to this man than just banning christmas, and it isn't all good I'm afraid. 

15 - Repent

We put this on a little 3 x 5 card too.
16 - Psalm 23:6

Yep, another card.


17 - Francis Drake

He also made it to a 3 x 5 card, AND we went looking for some fun stuff on youtube in Horrible Histories as well.

Don't forget to check out last weeks Horrible Histories youtube clip I posted on the Spanish Armada.


18 - Wolf

I read this book.

Then we did these:

This one is Hannahs - 3y8m

Phebe - 5

Chloe was sick today - so no work from her.  She did listen to the story though. :o)
Then late in the afternoon I thought I'd try and make a craft.

Phebe was the only child to do a WOLF craft.  She added legs to hers.

If you'd like a copy of the notetaking pages just click the following picture.


19 - Volcano

I read from this book.

Then we did these:


Chloe also did one, but was a bit late for photos.

Wow, and if you got through ALL that you are a STAR~!!

So, what do you think of my Project 365?  Would you like to join in?  I have the remainder of December and January lists already to go up there on the top bar under 'Project 365'.

Should I divide the days up a bit?  Was this post TOO much?

I'll be back next Thursday with another weeks show and tell.  Or maybe sooner, because "I" think the post was a bit long myself.  :o)