
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Weeks of Clean - Fridge & Freezer

Welcome to my freezer:


I pulled the very bottom shelf out and this is what I had.

It's been a while since I cleaned the freezer.


Then I put the tray back in.  So while it's now clean, we can't really tell, oh well.  Nice to know in my mind though.  :o)

Here's my fridge on the day I had a tidy:


Today I'm joining up with:

Family, Faith, and Fridays

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, January 30, 2015

{ Week 6 }

Can you believe that we're already into week 6 for the year?

This week we had a number of changes to our homeschooling subject curriculum.  Now, while we've been up and running doing English with a workbook I've been agonizing over what to do about Chloe's "writing".  I hadn't actually settled on a particular curriculum until this very week.  Up until now she's just had a fill me in workbook titled:  Climbing to Good English, which has been great, but yeah, I really want her to get along on the business of writing.

Remember too that she's Grade 5 this year.

I've been wanting to go back and try the progymnasmata again via Memoria Press with Classical Composition: Fable, but yeah, that hasn't worked for us yet.  Then I started seriously eyeing off 'Writing & Rhetoric Book 1: Fable' by Classical Academic Press.  I was so close to purchase!  It's still in my cart, but in the end I settled on this:  The Complete Writer: Writing with Skill, book 1 by Susan Wise Bauer.

Just click the picture to go to where you can read about or purchase a copy, just in case you've been wondering about what to do for your 5th graders writing too.  I don't have any affiliates.  I'm just passing along information that's awesome and good for sharing.  I bought the $23.00 pdf { because I'm an instant girl and all }.  It is a hefty 568 page book.

Twenty three dollars for a full years writing curriculum with everything inclusive is a bargain, even more so, I can use it with subsequent children { 4 more of them }.  So an exceptional bargain if I do say so myself.  There is an additional instructors guide available as well.

I highly recommend reading the description on their website.  I also perused a number of online reviews for the product as well.  Between those two things I was sold.

The very first lesson had me hooked. I know, I'm easily excited.  Can't wait to peek over her shoulder throughout the year. One week down, 35 more to go.  :o)

This week Hannah wanted to do a heap of Greek.  Here she is working on her alphabet.

One of the days we did the following for our "activity".  Just click the photo to go and visit Leslie's shop on TpT.  I thought it was great for $1.50.  I can't wait to get some more of them.  She has them in all sorts of different themes.

The girls also pulled out our Rod and Staff English text books.  I suppose that's one of the advantages to having all sorts of curriculum just laying around:  when you get tired and want to do something else, you can.

Another activity we added in this week:

This mapping activity was found FREE.
Just click either picture to go and grab your copy.

Yesterdays English work for Hannah { 5 }.
1st draft - essay on Zebras.

This week the girls listened to this french nursery rhyme:

Today I'll be linking up with:

Weekly Wrap-Up


I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Some of our latest paintings.

We also found these OLD drawings done by Daniel.  He got them out to show the girls.

Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

NT Greek

Today I have some FREE Greek worksheets for you.

Just click on any worksheet to grab the PACK.

It has 5 vocabulary words in an interactive notebook form. 
Present verb endings { interactive notebook }.

Present tense endings. 
Vocabulary word chart. 
At the end I've added the flash cards.  I actually print these out two pages onto one { to keep them at a more useful size }.

Today I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winter Snow Phonogram Clip Cards

This week we finally got around to trying out this activity.

I decided that I would only print one set of cards, and even then only a black and white version { there are a few sets in the pack for differentiation }.  The color versions look great, but yeah, unless I'm going to laminate them for a center and long term use I'll try and save the colored ink.  Each card is numbered { top left corner } so this means that they can be used as clip cards OR for an activity that requires a recording worksheet. 

Here's Hannah's first go.  It's mostly correct with a couple of tiny errors.

Thanks for visiting.

Monday, January 26, 2015

History Read Aloud

To start the 2015 year off I decided to read one of my all time favourite books:

You can read more about it HERE.

I decided to read this because well, let's face it, having to do SOTW I & MOH I for the umpteenth time just wasn't going to cut it.  They're great History resources, but we've already used them a couple of times each.  I just didn't have it in me to have to read them again - and well, I really LOVED this book and I've only read it once already - so I'm definitely up for reading it again.  :o)

So, what are you reading for History these days?

Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monkey Times Tables

Sorry guys, but I've got another show and tell for today.  The good news is that it is a FREEBIE that you can pick up for a rainy day!  :o)   ps.  It is actually raining as I type up this post.  ha ha ha.

Just click any picture to go and pick it up.

Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

My Teacher Planner.....

Which is really just a book for box ticking as it turns out.  I like it that way though.  It just seems to be something that I really enjoy doing.  This is how I keep track of the subjects that we've done each day.  It definitely helps keep us on task.  You'd be quite surprised at how well it keeps things focused and going.

{ I just used some super nice scrapbooking paper. }

The inside front cover:
I gave myself a coloured version.  The green weeks are our weeks off.  The red is for the end of year holidays.  Basically it goes 6 weeks on, 1 week off.  Of course I started the school year early { again } so I'll have that extra week up my sleeve if I ever want it.  And just because it's all planned doesn't mean I have to stick to it.  I'm still flexible enough and can jiggle a week or two here and there if I feel we need it.

The left hand side.
This year I've added Charlotte to our little school. I didn't know what I'd actually be giving her for school - so I just left the subject areas blank.  I'll just fill them in when / if we do any.

I can also write notes underneath, and I do sometimes.  Things I need to remember, need to print, or want to try.

The right hand side.
I write what week we are doing and what month we are in.  Then underneath that I write the actual number of the day so I always have the "date" handy.  Then as the children progress through the day I just tick things off.

At the back of the book I have my forms to keep track of the girls Saxon scores.

Are you addicted to box ticking as well?

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, January 23, 2015

{ Week 5 }

This week there's not much show and tell.  I got slack with the camera.

On Tuesday we had a day trip to Melbourne { 3.5 hours each way }.  It was super nice to take a day off school and just go for a long drive.  Lunch was awesome.  We also went to Koorong while we were there too.  I mostly picked up some extra reading books for the girls.

Daniel got to do most of the driving.  He's still working on those ginormous hours that the government of Victoria require for ones license these days.

I picked up these books to add to the collection.  There are 4 books/novels in each one.  I like that it includes "some" real life history in there.

These also made it to my basket.  They're for devotional time.

Hannah's drawings from this week.

All things by 4 continue to be a huge hit in our house.

The girls have a new little splash pool and of course, there are 4 water pistles.  

So as soon as school is done today guess what the little girlies are going to be doing?  Yep, there'll be water everywhere.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

More Math Homework

I've added a few more math homework worksheets under the Maths tab for download.  

A couple on perimeter and area:

Place value:

Diameter / Radius:

To grab these FREE worksheets and their interactive notebook versions just jump over to the Maths Tab { above }.

Next time I'll have some NT GREEK downloads for you.  :o)

Today I'll be joining up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.