
Friday, April 29, 2016

Week 18

This week Charlotte started 102.

I added some more little fish words for her to practice with.

The older girls did some more random worksheet activities.

* * * * *

This week our little pigeon bird { wild } that sat and lived outside my kitchen window ledge every day got attacked by a cat, and so it succumbed to it's injuries and died.  It was always at risk, I suppose, being loose but so closely available to random cats passing through.  It broke all the girls hearts.  It had been an amazing pet - even though it was completely wild.  Very tame for wild.  So tame I could pick it up.  We fed it and in return it roamed the backyard and blended itself nicely into the family.  

* * * * *

How I often find the girls at meal times, particularly in the mornings at breakfast.

What I'm reading to Miss 4 this week.
The language is as of the days of old, where they actually used decent academic vocabulary.  This has caused me to love the book exceedingly.

Bible by Miss 9.

and yeah, this afternoon hoping to get the girls out to the local homeschool get together!

Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Well, I'm sitting here in the future, back posting and planning reading for one of the girls next year, and some reading for me too of course, you understand........

In particular, I am printing out Plutarch.

The Life of Romulus

The First Volume of his Morals

So, for good keeping,

in case anyone is interested in these types of readings,

they may be obtained via this link:

Friday, April 22, 2016

Week 17

A paper plate craft we did recently:

* * * * *

This week we made the jump to have our online maths subscription to CTC maths transferred over to the Australian curriculum - mathsonline.  Same company, pretty much the same thing, just set for the different countries.  I figured that since Chloe is going to be doing high school { homeschool } next year I should sort of start lining that up.  

Speaking of highschool:  I already have her English and Science organised too.  The only subject I haven't settled on is History.  Should we take a detour year?  Should we do Australian History?  Yeah, I haven't settled on that one, yet.

* * * * *

Books we're reading to Miss 4.

and she did her FIRST ever test:

The older girls....
Bible - Read, Outline, Write, Illustrate { trace the picture }.

Favorite photo of the week:

This week I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Week 16

This week Bible Stories from the Heart start a new Bible Study.  Come and join us on facebook.

Just click on their banner to go to their facebook page.

They also share free Bible coloring pages that correspond to the study.

I thought I'd freestyle this weeks verse though with this:

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In school news:

We hit the 50 book number for Charlotte this week.  Yep, I'm keeping score on how many books we read to her. I am hoping we can get to 365 or more by the end of the year.  If you want to see the titles, just click on the 2016 book tab up the top there to go and check them out.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 15

This week Hannah started Saxon 6/5.  Yep.  We've been following the Robinson Curriculum method of using Saxon for mastery and wow, can I just tell you how impressed I am with the results.  Amazing.  By the way, it's made amazing by the fact that Hannah is only 6 { although she will be 7 in a couple of weeks }.

These days she does a lesson a day.  She hasn't had to re-do any lessons yet { she scores too high - like in the 90's }.  Then in the afternoons for FUN and POCKET MONEY I let her do a few CTC Maths online lessons.  Yesterday alone set me back 50 cents - that's 5 lessons.When I first started paying them for the online lessons I thought 20 cents a lesson would be ok, but I had to drop it because of the amount of lessons they wanted to do.

Art by Hannah:

Art by Chloe:

Read, Trace, Outline, and write a small paragraph.

By Phebe

By Hannah

We're detouring from our usual scheduled Rod and Staff for a month or so with Rocks and Minerals.

Vocabulary Cards & Types of Rocks

Vocabulary - cred { believe }

This week I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.