
Monday, December 31, 2018

And Just Like That...... School Started

Yep, we started our 2019 school year today.

I've got my tick list all good to go.....

Charlotte started SOTW III.

And because it's Monday...... Art Monday.

What I'm reading to Charlotte and Noah for Bible time.

And this is how we started the new school year.  

There was plenty of other work done, but yes, these were my happy snaps this morning.

* * * * *

Chloe is in year 9.

Phebe is in year 7.

Hannah also doing year 7.
Charlotte doing year 2.

And Noah doing Kindergarten.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Grade 2 English

I've already pulled out Charlotte's Grade 2 English stuff for when we start our 2019 school year in a couple of weeks ....

{ Vocabulary.....}

{ Reading / Comprehension / Vocabulary...... }

 { Christian Light Education..... covers all the grammar, spelling, penmanship, revision.....}

I'll show you what she's reading in a separate post, at a later date.  

Monday, December 3, 2018

Kindergarten Tools

Things to keep for your 4 year old Kindergarten student....

Plastic threading cotton reels.

Hands on manipulative tools are essential in the early years play based schooling for their motor skills.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Pencils for Kindergarten

Here's what I bought for Noah for when school resumes in January..... Yep, only 4 weeks left to go before we begin our 2019 school year.....  

I picked this tin up at Office Works for a smidge under $40.

Where does the time go?