
Monday, December 31, 2018

And Just Like That...... School Started

Yep, we started our 2019 school year today.

I've got my tick list all good to go.....

Charlotte started SOTW III.

And because it's Monday...... Art Monday.

What I'm reading to Charlotte and Noah for Bible time.

And this is how we started the new school year.  

There was plenty of other work done, but yes, these were my happy snaps this morning.

* * * * *

Chloe is in year 9.

Phebe is in year 7.

Hannah also doing year 7.
Charlotte doing year 2.

And Noah doing Kindergarten.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Grade 2 English

I've already pulled out Charlotte's Grade 2 English stuff for when we start our 2019 school year in a couple of weeks ....

{ Vocabulary.....}

{ Reading / Comprehension / Vocabulary...... }

 { Christian Light Education..... covers all the grammar, spelling, penmanship, revision.....}

I'll show you what she's reading in a separate post, at a later date.  

Monday, December 3, 2018

Kindergarten Tools

Things to keep for your 4 year old Kindergarten student....

Plastic threading cotton reels.

Hands on manipulative tools are essential in the early years play based schooling for their motor skills.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Pencils for Kindergarten

Here's what I bought for Noah for when school resumes in January..... Yep, only 4 weeks left to go before we begin our 2019 school year.....  

I picked this tin up at Office Works for a smidge under $40.

Where does the time go?

Saturday, November 3, 2018

2019 Yearly Planner

I just made next years Yearly Planner, so I'm just dropping in to share here as well.  

Just click to download a copy.

Monday, September 10, 2018

P is for Penguin

Noah finished off his little Penguin today.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Charlotte is 7 now......

Charlotte is now a brand new fresh 7 year old, so I thought I'd do a journal entry for where she is currently in her Math.

Rod and Staff Grade 3, lesson 98.

Doing Division.....
for her 6x tables on top, and a mixture on bottom.

Then we continue to do some more in fraction form, and of course a few written questions as well.

So yep, that is where Charlotte is up to these days.  

Monday, August 20, 2018

Kk is for Koala.....

While we're currently taking a Robinson Curriculum detour for the older girls, little boy continues to preschool, with much enthusiasm.

Today he did a letter { k } alphabet craft.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

What Charlotte is Reading These Days

Charlotte has just turned 7.

This is the level/ability and where she is in her reading:

She is almost finished with this book, which will bring us to the end of the Grade 1 course particularly soon, and well before the end of the year - so that we'll actually have a couple of months free.  We'll probably detour a little after that before jumping to the Grade 2 materials, but I dunno, we'll see what she thinks when we get there, and what she might want to do.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Another Outline AND a Paragraph

Today we did another outline walk through.....

and then she used her outline to write her own paragraph.

In hindsight I should have given her specialised lined writing paper  { 3rds } - which would of helped her with her neatness and spacing, but at any length, still pretty happy with her first outline to paragraph outcome.

I should also be more diligent to have her sit when she is happy, and not ticked off, but that is a note for me.....  ha ha ha.

 The more she practices, the more natural and more detailed her writing will become.  

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Charlotte's First Official Outline

Charlotte { 6y11m } did her very first official and formal outline this morning:

First, she read the passage aloud, then she answered the comprehension questions.

Then we went back and looked for the key words with which to build her paragraph outline.

I. Main Idea
a. detail
b. detail
c. detail

So, instead of just getting her to narrate to me a main idea sentence based on a paragraph, now, we are looking very closely to key words in many sentences to build a paragraph.

At some point we'll also start the re-writing of the paragraph based on her own outline.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

When You Actually Take a Photo of Some of Their Lego Creations

I don't normally take a lot of photos of their Lego creations, but today I thought, why not?  Let's do it.

and a bit closer up on Phebe's ship with cannons.

Monday, August 6, 2018

B is for Bee Alphabet Craft

Today Noah did another alphabet craft for the letter Bb.

And now we are off to snuggle up on the lounge for a "story".  Apparently, since he said earlier that, "He loves stories."

Sunday, August 5, 2018

All the Little Bits and Pieces to Make a Salad

I think that the best salads are the ones that are mostly by and large comprised of many little pieces for taste.

Last night we made a pretty regular salad at our house:

It has green leaves / lettuce leaves, cabbage, and beetroot underneath where you can no longer see.

It also had:

cherry tomatoes
sweet gherkins { or pickles can't remember }

All I had to do then was add a dressing { ranch } and mix.

It didn't take long to cut up either, which is nice.  Maybe 20 mins??

But super good for us.

Friday, August 3, 2018

S is for Snake Alphabet Craft

Another craft day for the alphabet... today's letter { s }.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Noah and His Preschool

Moving along with the Preschool for Noah.

Noah is using these two books for his preschool work.

Today he started the short sound of { e } formally.

He's also started the Rod and Staff Math book 1.

I figure that if he just does a single row each day type of thing, that way he gets to do school, but it's not rushed or overwhelming.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

E is for Elephant

Another letter craft for Noah's alphabet craft book.

Ee is for elephant.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Charlotte Starting a New Lapbook on Knights

Charlotte started a new lapbook today called, 'Knights'.

Our first piece.....

The inside:

It's done by Homeschooling in the Woods.

It will compliment SOTW II quite nicely.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Alphabet Apple Trees

Noah is enjoying this book a lot.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

C is for Cat

Another painting and scissor craft for the Letter C and Noah's alphabet craft book.

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Another interactive notebook science day....

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Signed the girlies up for rollerskating this term.

Heaps of fun.... and now of course they want their own roller skates....

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Another Picture of Australia

Another attempt at Australia, this time with Floral emblems.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Preschool Activities Today

Here are some of the activities that Noah did today:

A simple activity of matching up what is missing from the main picture.  Visual discrimination.

And we also worked on Touch Points.

And he did a little bookwork.

And a few jigsaw puzzles.

Monday, July 23, 2018

A New Book all the Way from America

Today I had some happy mail.....

a new book all the way from America.

{ A History of England by Arnold - Forster }

It's on the AO reading list as an option / substitute if you don't want to do Churchill.

Up until this point I've been slowly printing out a pdf copy, but it would be a huge project to do that if I had to continue to the very end, so on that account, I am super excited to have it in a book - hard cover too.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

When Bb is for Butterfly

When Bb is for butterfly....

Done by Noah.

Friday, July 20, 2018

A Montessori Pack for the Letter Aa

Today I wanted to share my Montessori Pack for the Letter Aa.

I don't know if I'll make any more, but we'll see.

In the mean time I thought that it might be of some use to you if you are:

teaching the letter Aa,
or numbers to 12,
or doing an apple theme,
or ant theme.

It comes with an anchor chart.

Some 3 part cards in color.
The same 3 part cards in black and white to save your ink.

Some mini books for the children to practice writing.

Some counting cards.
Cards with no numbers, so you could match them up to the set before.
And there's an apple set too. 
It's 30 pages.