
{ 2018 Book List }

{ Chloe - Grade 8 }

The Magician's Nephew
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

The Horse and His Boy
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
Sense and Sensibility
Raiders from the Sea

Five Have Plenty of Fun
Mystery of the Silver Coins
The Invisible Friend
Heart of Courage
Biggles - The Boy
The Disappearing Diamonds
The Secret of the Witch's Stairway
Mystery in Williamsburg
Out of Sight, Out of Time
Only the Good Spy Young
Lorna Doon { abridged }
Runaway Pony
The Wild Pony 
Watership Down
The Search of the Missing Bones
Polar Bear Patrol
The Sinister Sign Post
Attack at the Arena
The Fishy Field Trip
Swallows and Amazons
The Kingdom That Turned The World Upside Down
Tales from Shakespeare - Lamb
Pride and Prejudice { abridged }
Around the World in 80 Days { abridged }
Tales from the Odyssey I
Tales from the Odyssey II

{Phebe - Grade 6}

The Swiss Family Robinson - abridged
The Bobbsey Twins in the Country
20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea - abridged
Sherlock Holmes..... { I need to update this }

My Fathers Dragon
David Copperfield { abridged }
The Valley of Adventure
The Muddle Headed Wombat and the Invention
The Complete Adventures of Snuggle Pot and Cuddle Pie
The Golden One

{ Hannah - Grade 4 }

The Magician's Nephew
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

The Horse and His Boy
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle
Fables of Leonardo Da Vinci
You Be the Jury - Courtroom IV
The Swiss Family Robinson - abridged
You Be the Jury - Courtroom III
White Fang - abridged
Buffalo Before Breakfast
Tigers at Twilight
Dinosaurs Before Dark
Hour of the Olympics
Black Beauty - abridged
Vacation under the Volcano
Civil War on Sunday

Ghost Town at Sundown
Mother West Wind's Neighbours
Sophie's Misfortunes
The Muddle Headed Wombat and the Invention
The Complete Adventures of Snuggle Pot and Cuddle Pie

Robinson Crusoe - abridged
Rocks of Honey

{ Charlotte - Grade 1 }

A Coat for a Lad
No Coat for Joseph
Day of Joy

A Little Coat
A Little Boat
A Big Surprise
Five Muffins
Up the Mountain
Down the Mountain
The River That Hushed
The River That Rushed
Sad Mary
Glad Mary

A Boy in Rags
Alone on the Hills
I am with Thee
A Wild Wind
Be Still

Hide Me
Under his Wing
One by One

In the Town
Out of the Town
Flying Feet
A Warm Hand
Bumpy and Lumpy
Smooth and Clean

Dusty Feet
Fresh Water

A Cloud of Dust
Blessings Like Rain
Where Is the Star?
Where Is the Baby?

Rachel's Secret
In the Tent

Under the Tree
A Hungry Boy
A Satisfied Boy
One Stem, Two Stems
A Big Load
Mr. Ying

Day 1

Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
God Made Everything
God Made Everything Good
God can do Everything
God is Good
God Can See Us
We Can See What God Made
We Can See What God Said
God is Light
We Want to Read
God is Very Good
God and Little Things
God is Good to Us

God is Everything to Us
God and the Fish and Birds

God and the Animals
God and Man
God and the Woman
Man and Woman
The First Home
Bad Satan
What Satan Did

Adam and Eve Do Not Obey
God Loved Adam and Eve

What God Gave
Father and Mother
The Home
A Time to Work
A Time to Rest
Day and Night
Everything Good
What God Likes
Happy Homes
Happy Children
When We Work
When We Are Kind to Animals
When We Like What God Gives
When We Are Helpers
When We Obey

What God Does Not Like
When People Do Not Obey
When People Are Angry
When People Are Not Sorry
When People Hate Others

Noah - Preschool

Numeral 1
Numeral 2
Letter m

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