
Friday, May 25, 2012

At the beginning of the year ( January ) we started English with Miss Grade 2 using Rod and Staff.   But we recently switched back over to Christian Light Education.   There are several good reasons for this.  

.  it makes the child do less writing
.  it has quizzes
.  it has tests
.  it includes spelling
.  it presents better

just some of my reasons.

This is what each booklet looks like from the front:

 The contents page.  As you can see they cover quite a number of things in the course of 3 weeks.  There are 10 modules/workbooks for the course - each taking at least 3 weeks.

 In this module we looked at things like compound words.


 Alphabetical Order.

In fact there were a LOT of areas covered in the last 3 weeks.

There are 2 quizzes for each module.  So that means on Fridays it's either a quiz from the weeks work, or an end of module TEST.  They are all graded - so you can clearly see if your child is grasping and keeping up with the lessons.  There is always a spelling test each Friday too.

This is a shot from one of the quizzes. 

Each module has the same basic structure.  It includes the main ( new ) lesson for the day.  Spelling exercises.  We remember exercises.  So once you've been through the first book, subsequent books become routine and easier to do.

 One of the amazing things about this curriculum is the TEACHER manual.  Yep, it is true~!!  It comes with all sorts of things.

There are lots of helps all the way through.  Like lesson objectives, hints, general lesson information.   It even has small versions of the student text with all the answers.  LOL  Awesome~!! 

In the back it even has alternative tests and other things - just in case you need to retest a child.  :o)

We have used CLE English before with several different grades.  I just thought I'd try something different since I had other resources here already but have come back to the CLE because it works well - especially at this grade level.  Higher up grade levels get a bit funny, but the lower grades work well.   The very high quality of the product is worth every dollar spent to get it.

Christian Light Education

Thanks for visiting~!!

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