
Sunday, May 20, 2012

 Augustus Caesar's World.

This turned out to be a favourite~!!   Highly recommended even if it wasn't a christian book.  I give this recommendation because of it's faithfulness to presenting history truthfully ( as truthfully as she could ).  It does not shy away from explaining how paganism was greatly influencing the people.  I loved how it provided a parallel history of the peoples of the time.  A fascinating read.  A must have for the homeschool library.

In between each major section there is a character selection of the main people that the book talks about.  The book is full of interesting illustrations throughout.

The book spends a lot of the time following the life of Octavius.  But it also presents us with interesting views of the lives of others at the time and how their lives are lived, and what happens to them.

Each main section is divided up into smaller chapters with lots of subheadings. That's how they are really divided up in the book, by sub topics.  So it's easy to start and stop when you are reading to the children.  That way each little part has a specific focus.

If you look just below Octavius here:  there is a little TITLE and this piece would only go for a couple of pages.  That's how each part is written up - there aren't any chapter numbers etc...

 Yes, christian things DO get mentioned.  Especially since Jerusalem is governed by the Romans during this time.

A true living book - it will spark your imagination, and draw you in on an adventure in history.  You'll want to read every page~!!

My few photos and comments here do NOT do this book justice.  Oh if you could only see it in real life~!!

Used for Ancient History.

Just wanted to share.  :o)


  1. This is one of my favorite history books. I like to copy the pages for the kids to color when I read that section to them. I found it an easy way to learn world history I missed out on.

  2. I think this is in Ambleside Online in a couple of years from now I think? so thanks for the review! looking forward to it now:)

  3. Mindy: Oh I must remember that for when we come to do Ancients again - perhaps they could use the pictures to go with their narrations. They'll be writing / doing narrations. Chloe will be doing Grade 4 then.

    Rosemary: Not sure if it's on the list or not for Ambelside, but it is definitely on Sonlights lists. :o) I can't recommend it enough.

    We'll be finishing another book by the same author tomorrow which I'll do a post about soon. :o)


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