
Thursday, May 31, 2012

There are some very cool linky parties these days - so much to see, so much to do, and LOTS of interesting blogs to go and visit.

At first I was thinking that I wouldn't have enough to write about, but then I realised, sure I do, I have a couple of obsessions passions in life, and besides, this will make for a nice little post.  I might even make some new friends.

Hi, my names Deborah, and I have an obsession......

1.  My first and obvious obsession is with school stuff.  I really have a lot of fun doing school.  If I had never had my own children I probably would of become a teacher in real life.

2.  Paper.  And lots of it.  I like to buy bulk even though I'm just a mummy ( I'm in Australia so I'm spelling it right ) and using it for a handful of children.  I love patterned paper, printed paper, and stationery. 

3.  Office tools.  I MUST have tools.  A printer, computer, guillotine, laminator, binder, staplers, craft punches, actually ALL sorts of craft tools.

4.  Blogging.  I used to blog a lot over the years but then I decided to stop - and deleted my account.  I was gone for over 3 months - so then my blog got permanently deleted and I had to start again.

5.  Pinterest.  I'm a visual girl.  I just have to SEE things.  I learn a lot that way.

6.  Facebook.  I visit every day. 

7.  Last, but not least.   Having babies.  I currently have 8 children.

If you've stopped by for a visit - thank you for doing so.  If you'd like to become friends I could add you to my blog list if you'd like.  Just leave me a comment and I'll add you to my side bar.  :o)

Thanks so much for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up! I'm your newest follower :) WOW, 8 kids! That's awesome! I'm so with you on office tools and supplies. I may get a little too excited!

    Living A Wonderful Life


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