
Friday, June 15, 2012

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…

We finally organized to purchase a second car so that we can ALL go out together.  We need 11 seats.  It wasn't the type of car that we had originally hoped for, but it will do the job, which we are very grateful for.  Hubby and I will pick it up on the weekend.  We also have 2 car seats on lay-by, and I think they will be getting picked up super soon.   The little grand babies will be excited about that.  So all good there as well.   It's been 11 weeks that we HAVEN'T been able to go out as a family.  Except the 2 times when we used a taxi. 

The washing machine died.  Yep, my beloved 9.5 kilo washer decided it was time to call it quits.  The repair man came on Wednesday.  As it turns out he found a burnt out wire.   I knew that I used the machine a lot, but that much?  LOL    In the mean time did you know that laundromats cost a LOT of money? 

In our homeschool this week…

Chloe finished her English 202 module.  She only scored 80% for it though.  School is challenging for her.   Her favorite thing this week I think was painting. 

Phebe finished her first English module and scored 96%.  So I was really happy with that.  She also finished off her Learn To Read module ( 105 ) and did very well with that too. 

Hannah continued to color and play.  I have noticed that she has taken a KEEN interest in school activities and is desperate to participate.  She throws a little tantrum if I don't get her school WORK when the other girls are doing theirs.

We have now begun our week off school.  I REALLY need a break.  Feeling a little burnt out with all that's been on my plate.  

Oh, and I also bought some paint for the school room. 

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

It's OK to miss the odd lesson in a workbook. 

I am inspired by…

This week I've been getting little inspiring ideas as I travel through blogdom and pinterest.  I'm just a little scared that this may be my only answer for a LONG while.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Today I am off to have myself fitted for skii's and boots in preparation for the snow season.  Hoping that I can actually learn to ski this time.  Last year I was too pregnant to go skiing.  The year before that I was 10kg's heavier.  Either way, hoping that it goes well THIS season. My daughter is also going to try skiing for the first time EVER in her life this season.  I hope she likes it and does well with it.

My favorite thing this week was…

Quiet time.  Silence is golden.  It really is.  Especially when you're tired.

What’s working/not working for us…

Sleep has NOT been working for us.  Charlotte has been quite ill this week with a cold and fever.  The fever passed pretty quickly but the blocked nose cold decided to give us a run for our money. She's been very fussy with foods and needing to be picked up a LOT.   So that's NOT working for me.  My sleep has been been really messed up.  I know it's bad when I hear her wake up and put my hand out to comfort her and think - her leg is broken, it's completely turned the other way.  I was absolutely PANIC stricken.   It wasn't though, she had just rolled over in the bed.   But yeah, that's how messed up my sleeping has been.

Things I’m working on…

Yesterday I wrote up the next 8 weeks program for school for 4 children.  This time I added a purple cover and some cute little patterned paper on the front.  Now while I didn't program for Hannah, I have been sorting things into files for her - so that she'll have things to do when school is on.

Today I am hoping to get the next 8 weeks worth of history notebooking pages done so that I don't have to worry about them when we get back to school.  It'll be nice just to be able to pull them out of the drawer ready to go on the days that we need them.

I’m reading…

I started a new book on Ferdinand Magellan this week.  I've also been reading a lot of blogs.

I’m cooking…

Today I am aiming for a crock-pot chicken a la whatever I can throw in there with that.

I’m grateful for…

Quiet time.

I’m praying for…
The simple things and thank you's for what God has done for us.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Hannah, Phebe, and Chloe.  This was taken on the day that we bought Hannah and Chloe their new snow gear.  I gave Chloe my old hat, it seemed to match really well.

 I hope you will join us this week with the Homeschooling Mothers Journal.


  1. HI!! I am your newest follower. I would love to have you stop by mine.


  2. well, I must say - it sounds like you are so very organized! I am working on some more of that! Have a wonderful week. following! we love skiing- hope you get to learn this year!

  3. thanks Deborah for visiting my blog :)
    I like all the frogs and flowers :)

    oh no not your washing machine and its also such a hassle having to go to the laundromat I speak from past experience

    pinterest is very inspiring isnt it

    I may a recipe you might like to try - we LOVED it

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I think I am really going to like having the planner on the computer too. I typically like to write things down but I think for homeschool this will work better. ;) Thanks again for stopping by and hope your little one is feeling better soon!!

  5. Hope the snow skiing lessons go well for you :)
    It is not something I managed to accomplish and so have decided that when ever the family want to go skiing I will simply take my book along and enjoy the warm fireplace at the base of the slope !

    Welcome to Home School Mothers Journal. It was great to read your posts :o)

  6. Chicken a la ---- is a favorite around here...and sometimes quite a surprise! LOL You're very organized! I hope to do the same in the fall...only for 2-3 and 7 weeks.

  7. Sounds like a busy week in "life" in terms of the vehicle, the washing machine, and planning. I hope next week is a bit more settled for you.


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