
Friday, June 22, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

My gorgeous little baby Charlotte turned 10 months old.  She's also turned into a bit of a chatter box.  She loves to vocalize.  ps.  She's also a speed crawler.

I got to feel my FIRST earthquake this week.  

I didn't get to go up the hill this week because the new car had a serious leak and had to go back to the mechanics. It's fixed now though.

However, the boys went up though, and here is an 8 min video of it.  This is the first ski of the season for our family.  Daniel is in the green, Caleb is in the blue, and Adrian ( hubby ) is the one filming and skiing at the same time.

In our homeschool this week…

We had an awesome week OFF school.  I really made the most of it too by having as much slackness as I could tolerate before I needed to do something.  Had a few days where I even skipped doing the washing as well. Now that's pretty unheard of.  LOL

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

Pinterest has a LOT of cool ideas on there. 

I am inspired by…

The boys all skiing.  They made it look easy and fun. 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…


My favorite thing this week was…

Finishing a new little workbook on beginning sounds.  I am currently having a little giveaway with it, feel free to enter - I think it still has one more day to go.  Just click on the sample to go to that page.

What’s working/not working for us…

Sending the girls to bed at a reasonable hour so that I can have some quiet time IS definitely working.

Questions/thoughts I have…

Hoping that I can learn to ski this season.   

Things I’m working on…

Character notebooking pages.  I'll be sharing the first set on my blog tomorrow.  Stop by for a great FREEBIE.  

I’m reading…

Bible devotional books.  

I’m cooking…

Beef Wellingtons today.  Bread and Butter pudding earlier in the week. 

I’m grateful for…

The freedom to be a stay at home mum.

I’m praying for…

The super power of forgiveness - so that I can forgive.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Thanks so much for visiting.  I hope that you will join us this week with the Homeschool Mothers Journal.

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