
Thursday, June 7, 2012


Last week I shared some stuff from Miss 3.  This week I'd like to share some stuff from Miss 5.

 Little Miss 5 - Phebe-ar-e-bius has now started 105 in her Learning to Read course.  

 The lessons have increased to one a day.  I used to do a lesson over 2 days but it became obvious that she could easily do one a day.

 When she does the reading component I place a tick at the end of each sentence that she does.  This helps to motivate her to continue as it shows her how much she's already done.  I put circles around words that she needs prompting / reminder / help with.

Now that she is doing Learning to Read 105 she has also started 101 - in her Language Arts course.  

Yep, English.  She's 5y 2m old.  

 She started off with consonants and vowels.  The perfect place to begin English.

So far, so good.  Periodic updates to follow.

I hope you can join us this week for Preschool Corner.

 Thanks for visiting.  :o)

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