
Sunday, June 24, 2012


Today I was going to join in with a meme, but I didn't manage to get a photo of myself done, or finish it.  In fact I was pretty much resigned to NOT doing a post at all today.  

Things have been tough in the house and these last few days I've really been feeling it.  So the most that I can do at the moment is go with the moment.  In some ways this is a good thing.  It totally takes the pressure off, which helps.  Anyway, living in the moment has it's advantages - especially today when I went gallivanting across blogdom and got reminded of an awesome MATHS curriculum that is TOTALLY FREE.

Let me introduce you to:

Which stands for:

 Mathematics Enhancement Programme

We've actually used this curriculum in the past, and I would of kept up with it if I was smarter, and had more time.

This curriculum not only comes with CLASS BOOKS.  It also comes with lesson plans, copymasters, and teacher support.

In fact, I sometimes think that I might like to give it another shot at some point.

Either way, have you heard of it before?  Have you used it?  What do you think of it?

If not, I do recommend popping over there to have a look at what's on offer.  :o)


  1. I have never heard of it but will definitely check it out. Praying that you have a good weekend! :-)

  2. heard about it for the first time this week. A friend of ours is looking at using it with her daughter.

  3. Do you know that Jeanne uses it and has many helpful blog posts on it?
    We don't use it as we found Singapore Maths early on and it's working for us.


    A couple of MEP posts that you may find useful. I thoroughly recommend this programme. Jemimah has used it since the beginning. We're just finishing year 5.

  5. Yes, I knew that Jeanne uses it. :o)

    For onlookers - Jeanne posts over at A Peaceful Day. Her link is in my homeschooling blogs list.

  6. LOL - oh we posted only a couple of mins apart. :o) You must of been posting while I was typing up my comment. :o)

  7. Let me know if you decide to give it a go and I can help.


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