
Friday, June 8, 2012

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…

I remain with my roller coaster life.  Lots of ups and downs as we continue to integrate my daughter and my grandsons.   

Hubby bought a new clock to help get us ALL up early, so we can get the school day done at a reasonable time.

In our homeschool this week…

Chloe has begun double digit subtraction with borrowing.
Phebe is doing awesome with Grade 1 English ( first module ).
Hannah has been doing a lot of coloring, cuting and pasting.  She keeps asking for "school work".

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

During the week I've been doing other posts about school printables and resources.  On Monday I did a make-over on some plastic boxes.  Tuesday I did a show and tell with a couple of phonogram books that I've written.  Wednesday saw me posting about making my own pocket chart.  Thursday I shared about a favorite resource for multiple phonograms.  Then I did a second post to talk about Phebe starting Grade 1 English.  Friday I did a continuation on my pocket charts and a printable calendar for them.

I am inspired by…

All the really creative teachers that I've been meeting on their blogs.  I have been getting heaps of ideas from Pinterest too.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Yesterday we dropped into a local ski rental shop to get prices.  

My favorite thing this week was…

Blogging.  I have seriously got to get out more.  Blogging?  That's my favorite thing this week? 

What’s working/not working for us…

Mornings haven't been working for us.   For some reason everyone has been slowly getting up later and later.   This in turn has made starting school later each day.  Then of course finishing later.  I'm over late.  Really over late.

Questions/thoughts I have…

 I continue to think about God.  Where He fits in.  Where we fit in - in Him. 

Things I’m working on…

More blogging.

I’m reading…

Well, we actually just finished Christopher Columbus and Sons TODAY.  Now that was an awesome book.  Highly recommended.  I will do a post about it next week some time.

I’m cooking…

A lot of shepherds pies lately.  Everyone is loving them.  Nice and gravy.

I’m grateful for…

A man that sticks by me even though I'm as wishy washy as a wave in the ocean.

I’m praying for…

Salvation for the children.  Spiritual things.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Little Miss 9 months can STAND up by herself now.

 Thanks for visiting.  :o)


  1. No!!!! 9 months is too young!!!! They shouldn't be allowed to walk until ooh, at least 5 or so. That would make life so much easier.

  2. Blogging and more blogging eh lol!
    I can relate to school starting later Nd later! In fact just yesterday dd and I came up with a plan to rectify this for us. We must need to be more disciplined and start earlier! Lol at hubby buying you a clock :)

  3. OH, I LOVE it here! I am so glad I dropped by! Wishy, you sound like a Mama growing and stretching...and I love that you are seeking God...truly without him, our home and homeschool would crumble! Thank you for your sweet honest post and for blogging, write as your heart pulls you....

  4. Ditto to the Blogging Blogging and More Blogging.

    Golly Miss 9 months wow.

    PS I've been on Pinterest too this week and had loads of inspiration. I love it when I find homeschool Mom's with Pinterest boards it's great to get ideas



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