
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Phebe English 101

Language Arts 101 was a success~!!

We recently had Miss 5 - our delightful Phebe - start Language Arts 101.

She scored 96 %.  Which to me means that she was ready to begin.

 She also did very well with the quizzes too.  They are done at lesson 5 and lesson 10 of the module.

 The last page of the main test.

Before I throw the workbook in the bin I always take the quizzes and test out and keep them for reference later on.

This time before I threw the workbook out I cut out the main topics of the lessons and made a little A4 anchor chart.  I even laminated it for durability.  Something that we can quickly read to remind us of what Phebe has been learning in her Language Arts course.

I think that I will try and do this for her whole course.  That would make a great reference tool.

Thanks for visiting~!!

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