
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

 Do you remember yesterday when I posted that I had turned word verification OFF?

Well, Jessica over at Mrs Stanford's Class is doing a blog link up on Blogger Pet Peeves. 

Can you imagine HOW many bloggers really, really, really don't like word verification?  Ummmm, can you say, like - nearly ALL of them?   LOL

But first - I must apologize for my blatant ignorance that I had had my own word verification on.  It's delightfully turned OFF now though.  Please feel free to TEST it out.  :o)

Other blogging pet peeves would include:

..... really, really, really hard to read FONTS.
..... SPELLING.  I don't mind the occasional misuse or mistake though.  Sometimes I blog when tired, and I'm prone to doing the odd slip myself.

YOUR COMMENT WILL BE VISIBLE AFTER APPROVAL.  What are the odds of getting a ridiculous comment that you can't keep?

Now that I've got all that out I'd like to share something cool:

Yesterday I also learnt how to leave a linky in the comment form section.  Jessica had an awesome quick little tutorial for that.  Click HERE to go to it.  It makes it super easy to click back to the commenters blog.

What are your pet peeves?  Please link up and share what's on your last nerve.  :o)

Thanks for visiting~!!


  1. Haha! I hadn't read your post yet when I wrote mine...and guess what?! We have the same peeves! :) Glad to hear another's perspective. Just thought I'd stop by to say hello! This was my first linky and I enjoyed it!

    Ramblings of a Deaf Ed Teacher's Mind...

  2. Just found your blog through the linky!

    I personally approve all of my comments before they show up on my blog. This helps keep down on spam postings, which will happen as your blog grows ,and the occasional nasty comments

    Pocket Full of Kinders

    Shuna P

  3. HEHE love this post!! Thanks for linking up :)

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class

  4. Hi Deborah
    I LOVE your frogs ! What a cute blog! It's so adorable. I'm your newest follwer, and yes, I hate the robot thing. I'm learning how to get rid of it tonight! Come visit me sometime!
    The Caffeinated Classroom

  5. I hate music that you can't turn off. Makes me crazy!

  6. LOL - Oh I totally forgot about that one~!! I rarely have my sound up - so I never hear if a site has music or not.

  7. First off . . . your daughters are DARLING! Lovin' those little piggy tails :) As for the robot thing, Jessica's post showed me the way . . . I didn't know mine was on either. Whoops :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  8. Your daughters are adorable!!!! :) I don't like that "your comments will be visible after approval" either! I can understand cutting down on the spam, but it's not hard to delete it myself. I've actually had a few (2-3 maybe??) in the past and I just marked it as spam and also deleted it off my blog. As a commenter, I'd like to know that my comment went through right! Sometimes I try to comment, and something goes wrong...

    Rulin' the Roost

  9. Your frogs give me giggles! They are absolutely adorable! This has been one fun linky!

    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

  10. Oh yes - the approval thing annoys me as do those new pop ups. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! It is so cute that I am gonna have to follow you now as it makes me happy!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  11. Your blog is so cute! I review my comments too. Sometimes I'll get what probably are the suspicious robot comments and some have links in them. I just don't want to be responsible for linking other people up to something that might be toxic-that's the only reason I use it. I have never not approved a real one-even if they disagree with me! :)



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