
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Reading Update for Phebe

Just a quick show and tell on Phebes ( 5y3m ) English and Reading.

She has now finished her second English module.  Yay~!!

 She scored 97% and 81% for the quizzes.

 And then romped it in with a 95% for the final test at the end of the module.

 A quick peek at some of the test.

Before I threw out the workbook I chopped up most of the introductory notes in it and made another anchor chart for reference and review.  Unfortunately some of the texta came through the back of the /sh/ part - she'd been coloring on the other side.  I also laminated it too.

  We shall have a lovely collection soon. :o)

 This module covered quite a number of things.

1.  Names of People
2.  Question Marks
3.  sh
4.  Long Vowels
5.  th
6.  I
7.  ck / ke
8.  ve
9.  wh

Plus lots of practice and review of previous lessons. 

Phebe also finished up another Learning To Read module as well.  This time she scored 90%.

 A little peek at part of the test.  They even have the children marking macrons and breves to help distinguish between short and long sounds.

 As the course progresses each new lesson has a short story - and of course a story in the test as well.  As she reads I circle words that she needs assistance with, or can't get.  I tick each sentence when read.  This shows both of us her progress.

I've looked at the next module - and there are a HEAP of stories in it.  Practically EVERY lesson has a story.   She's technically only been doing this course for about 18 weeks and she is reading AWESOME.

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