
Sunday, August 19, 2012

5 Things I Miss About Summer

Today I am joining up with Joy of Kindergarten with her linky of '5 Things I Miss About Summer'.

As some of you know - here in Australia we are currently having winter - so I am really missing the summer these days ( every day pretty much except the days we go skiing ).

1.  I so need something easy in my life right now.  My plate is FULL.   LOL - I know my little plate picture 'looks' like it's empty - but I assure you it is full.  Summer always frees us up somewhat from our daily workload and brings a time of refreshment and a time to recoup.  Where I can rest from the school work load. 

I miss that.

While my friends in America were having summer we were still doing school and having winter.  I was just looking at our History the other day and we were up to lesson 73.  There are only 85 lessons in the book.  We are finally nearing the end.  We have worked so hard since January.

2.  The warm weather.  Where I can actually let the little children outside to play with their toys, bikes, or jump on the trampoline. 

I miss that.

We've had some serious cold weather and rain here lately - so I think we have some serious cabin fever happening.

3.  The beautiful garden flowers.  Nothing quite like the green filled with a beautiful rainbow of colors on the ground.

I miss that.

4.  Being able to go to sleep without wearing a jumper, trackypants, socks, and a brick load of blankets.

I miss that.

5.  Early morning trips to the markets.  I don't like to go in the rain and cold so I tend to wait for the sunny days.

I miss that.

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