
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I almost forgot that my blog was about "school" instead of just sharing preschool/kindergarten worksheets. 
Life has a way of sidetracking you, don't you think?

So today I'm going to do some show and tell from a lesson that we did yesterday.
Mystery of History, Lesson 74 - there are only 85 lessons in the book, total - yay~!!  We are so close to the end.
After reading from the text I also pulled out a gorgeous childrens book on the same topic.
This particular book comes with 4 "see-through" over lapping pages showing the outside and then the inside of a building.  Nice.
Food and Farming


And now for the children's work.  What did they do?
Well, this is what Miss Grade 1 gave me.
And this is what Miss Grade 2 gave me.
Only 9 more weeks of school for us and then we will begin our BIG school holidays.  I had a quick perusal this afternoon to see what I've got organised for next year and we are pretty much set already, apart from actually writing out my program to be used as a tick off list.   So at any rate, I guess you will all be hearing a lot about how the END is in sight over the next few weeks.  LOL
Thanks for visiting,

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I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.