
Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Made It

This week I thought I'd join up with

Made It Monday

I use old tin cans for storing things like scissors,

and textas,

 and lead pencils, etc....

But for some reason I ended up storing the colored pencils like this ( in an old wipes container ):

   It has quite a lot of room in there, but yeah, makes it more difficult to see ALL the colors in there though.

I thought, I would decorate some new tins.

As you can see at the beginning of the post this is NOT a new craft for me ( I've had lots of practice in the past with making these ).  I currently have a number of tins decorated and in use.  LOL
But, I figured those pencils should get a new home~!!

So I picked out some super duper nice patterned paper and cut them to size.

Then I used my double sided tape ( that's a super power that I have ) and taped the paper to the tins.  Then I raided my ribbon stash and added a cute hot pink / polka dots strip to the tins as well. 

I must say, if you need a quick and easy project, this is it. It doesn't take long at all. And it's a bargain cost wise too.

Up close on two of them.

Then I took those pencils and popped them in.

Pencil Heaven. Well, almost. If I upgraded those pencils to my Prisma Colors - yes, then we could say Pencil Heaven. Although to be fair, those pencils are still pretty good. I don't skimp and save on pencils. I spend the money. Quality is a must.

 It sure beats how they were before the project.

AND it will be much easier for pencil selection now too.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. oh how pretty those cans are! I've said this before and I'll say it again, you are very clever! why don't I think of things like this lol!

  2. Everything looks so's amazing what some cute paper can do!

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