
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Alphabet Game Boards

I'm just dropping in super quick before the house chaotically runs off the ends of the world.  Me and Daniel have all 6 little children today.  By ourselves.  Yep.  
And I know I have at least 3 loads of washing.  Oh, That's nothing~!!  But did I tell you it's a 9.5kg washer?
But I am super smart - I already have the crockpot cooking lunch.
But maybe I am dumb - I gave 5/6 children Fruit Loops for breakfast.
True story.
At least it is looking like it is going to be a sunny day~!!  Can anyone say, "play outside, jump on the trampoline, and look for ants"?
But if you can't go outside and play, and you HAVE to be inside maybe you can play these two alphabet games.
I make them up in a file folder.
Don't forget to check TpT for the game boards for A and B while you are there too.


  1. The fruit loops just may be your undoing... you didn't read the fine print?? "Mama food only" LOL

    1. Oh definitely the Fruit Loops! When they come down, it will be a plummet into whingy, whiney land. I know, I've been there!


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