
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More on those Consonant Blends

Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming back today~!!
I was a bit scared that I might have scarred you for life with yesterdays post.  Yes, I was very worried that it might of caused you NOT to visit me ever again.
So relieved that we're still friends.
As promised yesterday, today I am going to do a post about school stuff.
As some of you know I've been working on Consonant Blends this week.  I've been doing that mostly because Phebe has been doing them in her school work.  That makes it all work out better in my opinion.  I'm not just making school stuff for fun, even though it is fun, I'm actually making it to use here at home in real life too.
I'm pretty happy with our latest printable toys.
I've got 3 sets so far.
And here's what I've been doing with them.
I put them all into individual file folders for easy access, and so that they don't get the sets mixed up.   I laminated all the non-consumables for durability so that we can use them again and again.
Here is one of my little trial experts, Phebe who is 5.  She's testing it all out for me to make sure that my bloggy friends wont have a problem with the worksheets.
Quite diligent.
And another one of my trusty trial experts, Chloe 7, doing likewise.
I'm really liking how these can be used for center / word work activities.
If a group is divided into two groups - one set could do the 2 worksheets in whatever set they are doing,
while the other group work on doing the "make the word" activity.
There is also a different style included in the packet to inlude all 3 blends.  So it just depends on the students ability as to which recording worksheet you use.
At any rate I have 3 sets done now.
bl - cl - fl
gl - pl - sl
br - cr - gr
And they are all over in my TpT store if you want to check them out a bit better.

And now for some awesome news on how you can get one of these packets for FREE.
All you have to do is be one of the first 3 commentors and I'll send a set out to you via email.


And today I'm linking up with Sarah over at FCS and Then Some.

I hope you will join us.


  1. This activity would be awesome for my second graders! I'd love a copy!

    I'm your newest follower:)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  2. Deborah! I love these blends!!

    So neat to see a homeschool mom doing little girl is only 18 months but I will be homeschooling and love to see all the applications in homeschooling (I used to teach public school in Texas)!

    Also, loving your commitment to Christ in your children's education...will be doing that as well! I'm heading to e a follower, certainly in need of good examples of what my husband and I want to do for our kiddos.

    Would you consider sharing your new product on my linky Tuesday Ta Da (today or any Tuesday)? Here's the link for today:

    Also, would you consider being a reviewer for my Copy, Cut & Paste Power Words? I have versions for K, 1, and 2...I don't know what levels your kids are on. I'll send you the product and you do a write up for my blog?

    Thanks and love your to explore more!

  3. Hi! I am getting ready for my giveaway. Can you send me links to your store and blog and what you are contributing. My email is
    Thanks again


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