
Friday, September 21, 2012

School Update

This week I had to go back to a tick list for Chloe.
Things are so hectic, chaotic, and demanding that I was getting totally frazzled with trying to juggle it all.   Having a lot of little itsy bitsy children at your feet really hinders being able to focus and get the school work done with the older children.
But I am a girl on a mission.
Very goal orientated.  Yes, I am.
We have now finished Mystery of History.   Yahoo~!!  Doing a happy dance. 
Then today we did lesson 142 in Maths, and there are only 170 lessons in the course - that means there are only 28 lessons to go.  Making progress people.  Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?
We're going to up the Spelling a little more by focusing more on the syllabification.  So on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays when she comes to do her copywork for her words she'll copy them like normal on the left hand side and then work on the syllabification on the right hand columns.  Hopefully this will see a marked improvement with her dictations.
Spelling is one of them "hard" things for Chloe as you can see with her pre-test here.
Only 5 more weeks to go.
Only 5 more weeks to go.
Yep, only 5 more weeks to go.
And then we can relax, think about next year, do some prep work, and just PLAY.

This week I'm linking up with Kelly at Teaching Fourth.  I hope you will join us~!!


  1. Hi! I'm your newest follower:) Stop by and visit me...

    Learn, Play & Have Fun

  2. Oh, you only have 5 weeks left, and we are only 5 or 6 week into the school year! I enjoy reading about you and your sweet familiy

    Teaching Fourth

  3. 5 more weeks! So jealous :) Good luck on the last 28 lesson in math!


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