
Friday, September 14, 2012

Tell Me Something Good

Today I'm linking up with Jennifer from Rowdy in First Grade.
My Something Good from school:
We only have 6 weeks of school left before we start our BIG holidays.   We've been going since January 2nd and now we are in the process of winding up and finishing things off.  We only have 5 more readings for History.  Then we can focus on getting the English and Maths finished up too.  This year I'm giving the children a full 8 weeks off.   All of November and December.  Can't wait. 

This morning I inlcluded some Brain ( Break ) Gym.  It was so cute to see my 3 and 5 year olds ( and the 2 and 1 year olds listening very closely ) trying to dance to the music.  Thank you Pinterest and Youtube~!!  Miss 7 is yet to be converted.  LOL 
My Something Good from home:
Today I went shopping with my 18 year old for some presents, clothes, and some storage drawers.  He has been visiting us for the last fortnight but he leaves tomorrow to head back home.  He lives ( and works ) on the other side of Australia with the grandparents.
At least he got to try out skiing while he was here.  So that was fun for him.


  1. How exciting that you are so close to holiday season....enjoy!!!

    Super Pig and Tyrant King

  2. You sound so super busy! And I want to see pics of all the dancing! I danced on Friday while playing the Friday song and half of my students joined in while the other half wondered if I was nutty. So happy you linked up!
    Rowdy in First Grade


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