
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bee Theme Multiplication

I have been tossing and turning these last couple of days because as it turned out my multiplication packet looked a bit like someone elses - and I was thinking, it mght be too much like theirs.   I don't really know what they put in their packet but from what I could see it was quite similar.  I don't really want it to look just like a "copy" of style so I started thinking how many ways can you really do this sort of thing?    How can I make it "just my own style"?
So late last night and early this morning I got thinking.   I get my book making inspiration late a night and early mornings.  The times when I can mostly escape the children.

And here is the NEW theme and NEW format for the 2 x multiplication tables.  The book ballooned out to 34 pages.  30 of them being for printables.   Oh, and it's now in a landscape format too.
Oh - and I am totally up for requests for different themes.  If this one doesn't suit, just let me know what you'd like and I'll put it on my list of to do's.  :o) 
The multiplication cards. 
The sequencing cards.
The answer cards ( division and fractions ).
Black and White versions of ALL the cards.
Mini cards for multiplication, division, and fractions.
And I also added some worksheets in there too~!!

And as always, I like to celebrate.  So the first 2 people that leave me a comment I'll send a copy to.  How's that? 
But don't go just yet.  I have a FREEBIE for you just for visiting.

Thanks for visiting. :o)


  1. Those are pretty bees that might just interest my kids to do some mths. It's very hard to know what might just attract their attention when it comes to trying to sneak in some fun in learning.

  2. Have I mentioned that I think yoru awesome with what you come up with.

  3. see, early in the morning and my brain doesn't function, "Your" awesome.

  4. I can't really take credit for it all. God has wired and made this way ( so that I like paper and schooly stuff ). I've also been hanging out with a heap of really creative ladies that spark my thought processes and creativity. Seriously, there are so many talented and gifted people out there in blogland/pinterest. Everyday I get to see something new or fun. I reckon they should add "pinterest/blogging" as a subject at teachers college. :o) I have LEARNT so much, and gotten so many fun ideas.


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