
Friday, October 5, 2012

Catch Up Friday

Ok, I  *think*  this might be the last of the apple stuff.  
As it turned out I had a little cherry stamp and a leaves stamp, so we put them to good use with making an apple tree.
The toilet rolls I collected also came handy.
How the apple tree is looking today.
The weather has been lovely and warm this week.
I just love the beautiful blooms that come with this tree.
Hannah ( 3y6m ) still continued to work on her multiple phonograms.   This week I gave her another 6 phonograms to learn and she has been doing very well.
I've got a favourite BLM that I often use.  But because Hannah is just starting out with writing I photocopied her pages bigger than the normal A4 size.  So half is on the first page, and the other half is on the next page.

I'm pretty impressed with her ability.  Makes for a nice surprise and encouragement.

Don't suppose you remember the single phonogram workbook version of the following?   Well, this is out of the multiple phonogram workbook that I have.   I am hoping to have that posted sooner than later. 
I'm not sure why Hannah hasn't attempted to write her OWN on the last part of each line.  Perhaps I will encourage her to do that from now on with the next lot of sounds. 
I got the following worksheet for FREE in a workbook from Mrs Ricca's Kindergarten.  Just click the worksheet to go and grab a copy of her workbooks. 
Chloe ( 7y ) did 'Plants' for science this week.
Parts of a Plant.
The following worksheet I got off the net for FREE from Melissa over at: Dilly Dabbles
It fitted in PERFECT for what we needed.
And a weeeee little assessment at the end.
We only have 3 weeks left of school now~!!
And I actually managed to get a good photo of the two little boys ( grandsons ) that live with us.
This is Kadafi - who has very recently turned 3.
This is Letrell - 21months.
This week I am linking up with:

I hope you will join us~!!


  1. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog today. After I switched over to Wordpress, I had a hard time adding all the blogs I wanted to follow into the Reader from Blogger, because I had about 300 in my Reader. Was able to add you to my reader today. I always enjoy seeing what you're doing in school and for crafts. You are very creative!

  2. I love your apple tree craft! I pinned your apple trees to my Apple Unit Study Pinterest Board at I'm your newest follower from Preschool Corner! :)

  3. Great post! Feel free to stop by and link it up @ Leran & Link!

  4. What a fun and busy week!! I love the apple tree craft!

  5. Thanks for linking up with us!! It seems so funny to see apple blossoms when it is getting so cold here! :)

    Apples are one of those themes that you can do for such a long time! I love how those trees turned out ~ so cute.

  6. Love the apple trees! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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