
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Garden Update

Time for another Garden Update~!!
A lot has happend in the last 4 weeks.  Our plants have settled in and started growing.
We had to move them over a couple of metres so that they could get more sun.
Some of the strawberries.
And the beans,
Which are going to need a frame for them to climb up on very, very soon.
With little flowers.
This stuff grows super quick.  Now that they are well and truly starting to grow we'll be able to start picking at them.
How the two rows look from the other angle.
And the best part is that we don't have to do anything to them.  Not even water them.
So the only thing that I have been doing is occasionally going out to have a LOOK at them.
Next month I hope to not only have updated photos on these pots, but also some new added rows as well.  :o)



  1. Wow they are coming along great!
    We have just finished putting our garden in, well except for the corn.
    I am just hoping the goats won't decided to escape and eat it before we get a fence around it.

    Looking forward to progress pics :-)


  2. You plants look awesome Deborah! They are really coming along and I love that you don't have to water them! Fantastic!

    Down Under Teacher

  3. oh wow! thanks for giving us an update, you guys are too clever!


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