
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Little Readers

While perusing the internet via teaching blogs this past couple of weeks I've noticed that a few people have been offering little readers.  This reminded me of a project that I started a few years ago with HFW in little readers myself.  I used to share them through the 'Printable Preschool'/'Printable Primary School'.  I no longer keep those groups though.  This morning I went and dug them up and thought I'd start offering them here too.

Mine have green covers.

And it just so happens that it is perfect for Miss Hannah 3y6m to start reading from.  I gave her a copy of this book to read this morning.  Nothing like IMMEDIATE success with reading to encourage and give confidence with reading.

Oh, and they can color the pages in as well.  :o)

Just click the book to get your FREE copy.

Just click the worksheet to get your FREE worksheets.

Here is Hannah's go at the worksheets.  She was a bit tired.  I can always tell if she is tired by how her coloring goes.
I drew a line across the A4 page to divide the page in two.  This was to help each sentence have its own space.
Thanks for visitng.


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