
Thursday, November 1, 2012

High Tea

High Tea went awesome~!!
We had a house full of girls with their mummy's and it all went awesome.
But first we had to set it all up.  Table cloths, chinese lanterns, balloons, and streamers.
I was a bit worried that we weren't going to have enough chairs or tea cups.  I'd had a LOT of RSVP's.  We even had a trip to Melbourne to secure some extra tea cups a couple of weeks ago.
Soon it was time to get dressed in our new dresses.
Here's my plan for the day:
2pm - Meet and Greet
3pm - High Tea
4pm - Craft ( make a card )
I got the tea sets out and ready.  I had made scones in the morning while we were doing all the housework.  Oh by the way we also had a house inspection this morning.  Perfect~!!   We got two important things done on the same day.  My house was clean, and not just tidy clean.  It was clean, clean.  Super clean.

I love the print on these cups.  So lovely and perfect for cups of tea.  No-one broke one either.  Nope, not even a single cup was lost.  Which is good.  It means that we can use them again.

All the girls sit down ready for Tea.  Well, all except one.  We had 15 girls.  We had to find another chair and pop it on the end here.

Having Tea.
While the girls were finishing off their tea and deserts the mummies got to have a cup of tea ourselves.  We had to use the ordinary blue mugs though.
Then afterwards they all made a card.
Such a lovely afternoon.  The weather was great, warm and sunny.
A couple of the other mums helped out with the dishes as I kept busy being hostess.  A couple of the other mums helped me out with the serving and card making.  I really appreciated their help. It made the whole afternoon be VERY successful.
We'll have to do Tea again.  :o)
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. What a wonderful idea! The card you made was so cute, you are just SO talented!

    I love the idea of giving girls opportunities to learn to be ladies.

  2. Looks like lots f fun. The dresses your girls wore were beautiful too.

  3. Hi Therese, It's been yonks~!! How's things? It's lovely to see you. :o)

    1. It has bern a long time. Life is really busy. I have speech therapy to do with Christopher, physio with Joseph and still caring for the boys diabetes.I have been reading your big regularly but haven't been leaving many comments on any if the blogs I follow. I hope you enjoy your break from school work.


I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.