
Saturday, December 8, 2012

The School House

Today I will be reviewing SchoolHouse

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine ( free online ) has an awesome school resource for the whole family to help you have additional support and success for your homeschooling journey.

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Format: Online Website

Grade target:  PreK, Elementary, Middle, High School, and helps for parents.  Basically the whole family.

Price: Pay only $1 for the first month, and $5.95 each month thereafter.  Only $64.95 per year, which gives you FULL access to their entire curriculum.
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What a super busy week this was.  I spent a HEAP of time over at SchoolHouse Teachers and today I just want to tell you ALL about it.

For the first few days I was totally and completely overwhelmed by just how much material there was.  What to look at first?  What to try out first?  I just kept jumping all over the place checking things out.

Once you jump in to the webiste there are a number of tabs along the top for different areas on the website, a bulk of the materials come under most of these headings.

Teacher Archives
Middle School
High School

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There is also quite a list of experienced teachers with a lot of expertise that run the courses. People who are very knowledgable in their field. I also noticed some very big names from some big companies in there too~!!

As I continued looking though the tabs I was very surprised at the amount of different subject areas under each tab.

Briefly though:

Teacher Lesson Archives - always a good thing to have.  That way if you take any time off you can go back to things from months ago. 

Elementary / Middle School / High School tabs - subjects included but were not restricted to:

A Daily Checklist ( always good to know what you are using and have a tick off list to keep track ).
Classical History
Math ( at different grade levels )
History ( different from the Classical History )
Lapbooking ( They even include all the templates and printables that one needs )
Logic ( I can't wait for school to resume so my older boys can use this.)
Film Making ( Yep, for real )

and the list continues........... with all ( of what I could see ) of them having some form of printable for each lesson.

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One of the things that got my attention was the Dailies. ( One of the main tabs. )

Imagine having something NEW every day?  Well, this section is for just that!

I was really interested in the Daily Grammar, and the Daily Copywork.  They got a lot of my attention.  I printed out a few of those to have a play with.  :o)  They are definately subjects and resources that we would use.

Of course there are other dailies like Daily Spelling ( at different levels ), Daily Maths, and Daily Writing.

They even have daily games.  How cool is that?  They're educational, but still.  :o)

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Under the Extras tab I found some other little goodies hiding out.

Like Free ebooks and planners.  There were so many pages, I haven't been able to finish looking at it all.  There are over 800 pages in the planners.  There are 5 different planners to pick and choose from. 
Here's what I've started using one of the planners for.

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They also have a Library.
I found Art, and Craft pages.  Everyday Easels, which is Art Appreciation by another name.  They also had copybooks.

Oh and guess what?  It not only caters for America, but also for Canada and Australia too.  I noticed a few Australians in the teachers list. :o)

My opinion

I really liked the Dailies, particularly the grammar and copywork.   I am also very interested in their history and logic too. 

I can just see that I am going to have an awesome year there - popping in and out, and grabbing all the extra fun stuff to add to our school year.

We've actually already started.

Here are the girls wearing their Pharaoh crowns.  Lesson, instructions, and templates provided by SchoolHouse Teachers. 

A cute little revisional lesson for the Ancients.

Thanks for visiting, and don't forget to:

Tour SchoolHouse Teachers

and check out some other reviews as well.


Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.


  1. Love the review! and your beautiful blog!

  2. Hi Deborah,

    Fellow crew member stopping by to say great review!

  3. Dropping in from the crew! I love your blog! I am follower 200. :)
    Learning 4 Keeps

  4. Love the Pharoah hats! SO glad to "see" you on the Crew, as well! :-) It will be a wonderful adventure and I'm happy to have some familiar blogging friends to share it with! Hope you have a great rest of your weekend. Many blessings, Lisa

  5. Great job on your review! Very cute pictures of your girls!


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