
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Penguin Day Packet

It was a bit odd giving you all a Day Packet on Bats the other day when considering that most schools are either doing a winter or a summer theme.

So today I'm going to give you a little Penguin Day Packet.  Just click on the worksheet to download.

A day packet on PENGUINS.


1. Penguin cover page
2. Penguin fact worksheet
3. Can Have Are flip book - double sided
4. Penguin question page
5. Four pages of photo
 instructions on how to assemble the pack.  { I did cheat a little on this one - I just copied over the Bat instructions - which are going to be the SAME. }  This was good as it saved me some considerable time.  :o)

And today I'm linking up with:



 Teach Beside Me

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. We played and learned penguins last week too. They are so much fun.

  2. We love penguins in our household! We are currently working through a Penguin unit study so I will have to add some of your items to it. Thank you for linking up to the brand new Hearts for Home Blog Hop!

  3. Thank you for the opportunity to link up. :o)


I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.