
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Psalm 71

As I mentioned last week I was going to do the Psalm 71 memory challenge with the other ladies from Do Not Depart.

You can find their schedule and helps for Psalm 71 HERE.

Today we begin with verse 1 and 2.  Next week 3 and 4.  

So.....long story short,

I started making some extra helps for myself, which now in turn are being passed along for you - to help you too.

Here are the first 4 verses in a little 4 page to 1 page version:

I've included some lined writing paper in there as well.  What I did with the 4 in 1 was print out a page and fold it into quarters so that it became a little book, and I just use it to copy out the verses.  I write in red the ones that are already committed to memory, and black the ones I need to work on.

I also have a regular exercise book where I copy them out too.

Or if you want full page versions for putting up in your house:

I DO hope that you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful idea! Loved your printouts that you made!


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