
Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Story of a Sand Pit

As parents we are always thinking of ways to bless our little children with items that would bring them some form of happiness or educational value.

So earlier this week we went and got them a little sandpit.  Just a little plastic wading pool and some sand.

I don't know what was in our minds, but it sure wasn't what it actually turned out to be.

In a matter of hours we had this horrendous MESS in the patio section.  It was EVERYwhere.    It only took a couple of days before we called it quits.

Nothing makes you rethink an idea ever so quick as to find huge lumps of sand coming into the house and being deposited on the lounge and walls - yes I said walls.  Who knows how they managed that.  I am thinking that the water that they added helped somewhat.  I am also afraid at how much might have made it to the carpets - just good on me that I like to vacuum and have done a couple of rounds since then.

{ Photo does not give full credit to the complete and utter destruction debasement of the patio.}

As for the little children wearing it from HAIR to TOE.  Thoroughly and lavishly washing it through their clothing and sticking as much as they could to their skins and in their hair.  Getting back to their primitive bonding?  Possibly.

It was gross, and the extra work bordering insanity.

NOT so great an idea in real life after all.  Well, not at my house anyway.

Sometimes we have to learn lessons the hard way.

The sandpit was cremated by the heat wave sun the other day all over the grassy land in the backyard.

The little children cried.  The oldest cried the loudest.  I guess it's because she understands what death is.

It shall always be remembered for its delightful rugged outdoor friendship - however short it was.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. You should have recycled the shell as a little wadng pool :-)

  2. Yes, that was our follow up usage idea as well. :o) However I think a certain little boy child might have been a bit rough on the casing, once it was emptied, and already cracked it a smidge. So we've hidden it out in the carport for the time being. I am hoping it isn't too bad a crack so that Charlotte can get a little usage out of it when the boys aren't here.

  3. A couple of suggestions here, first, have the kids clean it up under supervision and maybe allow them supervised sandpit time ? Just a thought. An important lesson in life is earning how to respect property. If that lesson fails, I would have ditched it. ;-)

  4. Heya chickee, haven't seen you for a while. Hows things? Hope you are all well. :o) I do like your idea. Not sure if I could pull it off without the hubs standing beside me at the time. It's difficult enough getting the 3 older girls doing work inside the home as it is. LOL Working on it though. :o)

  5. Im going great! Jemima is growing like a weed. sad to say though, while shes growing, she is also not satisfied by my supply. So she gets topped up after every feed from me. But if history repeats itself, she will probably be fully bottle fed by 6 months. ( shes almost 4 months now.) Taking a break from homeschooling and enjoying the holidays. Will probably start back at the end of this month.

  6. Im going great! Jemima is growing like a weed. sad to say though, while shes growing, she is also not satisfied by my supply. So she gets topped up after every feed from me. But if history repeats itself, she will probably be fully bottle fed by 6 months. ( shes almost 4 months now.) Taking a break from homeschooling and enjoying the holidays. Will probably start back at the end of this month.

  7. Im going great! Jemima is growing like a weed. sad to say though, while shes growing, she is also not satisfied by my supply. So she gets topped up after every feed from me. But if history repeats itself, she will probably be fully bottle fed by 6 months. ( shes almost 4 months now.) Taking a break from homeschooling and enjoying the holidays. Will probably start back at the end of this month.

  8. Im going great! Jemima is growing like a weed. sad to say though, while shes growing, she is also not satisfied by my supply. So she gets topped up after every feed from me. But if history repeats itself, she will probably be fully bottle fed by 6 months. ( shes almost 4 months now.) Taking a break from homeschooling and enjoying the holidays. Will probably start back at the end of this month.

  9. Oops! Didn't realise it posted so many times! Lol!


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