
Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 3

We've come to the end of Week 3.

Here are some highlights from this week.

Hannah ( 3y9m ) finished up LTR 102

Here's her Review:

She does awesome at sounding the words out.

Then she got 97%.

We started to do some REAL maths from her Rod and Staff Grade 1 maths book.  She's done a number of pages since this was taken.

Hannah also did some spelling.  I just pick out the words/phrases that I want her to work on and put them in an exercise book for her to copy.

We did this activity.  I have a little plastic freezer box that I put the current cards and letter pieces in.  That way she doesn't really have to go digging all that far to get them together.  Then when we are ready I'll just swap over the cards and letters for new ones.

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Chloe 7 did particularly well this week with her spelling.

She did one day with cursive for her list words.  Then on other days just did her list in the normal style and format of list, then added two sentences.  She added some pictures of her own accord, which I thought was a nice touch.

On another day - same format, and two sentences.  Again she added pictures for the sentences.

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Phebe 5 doesn't do spelling until she gets to Language Arts 106.  She's just finished 104.

I suppose I could give her some spelling in the same format that I give Hannah, but I just haven't gotten around to it this year - yet.

Now even though she isn't doing much on the spelling front she is totally kicking butt in the maths department.

We're just finishing up week 3 but in her maths book she is up to week 5.  Yep, a couple of weeks ahead.

Phebe scored 79% on the final test in Language Arts 104,

and she had these as well.

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A project that I thought might be fun for the girls, but once I had done the model thought, no way, they currently don't have the scissor skills or patience for was:

So, I'll have to put this idea away for a rainy day in the future.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Wow! Week 3 already? I'm impressed! I love the ship! Is that one you purchased or downloaded? I think my girls would love it!

    We won't be starting for another week or two - I'm down to homeschooling only four this year - should be fun!

    God bless,

  2. Yep, we started Dec 31. :o) But to be honest we did have 8 weeks off just before that.

    The ship came from an ebook that I downloaded for $1 from Scholastic Express. The book is called 'The Pilgrims, the Mayflower, and More'. 72 pages.

    I just went and checked and it is still only a $1. Awesome bargain~!!

    I can't believed you moved~!! I was super surprised to hear that. It was great to hear from you. :o)

  3. HI Deborah! Yeh, I'm still having trouble believing that we moved! Don't quite know why we are here in Northern NSW - but, time will tell - it's exciting, anyway! And we have a house right on the river, so it is certainly a beautiful view. And lots of opportunities here for music, art and drama. :)

    Thanks for the link!


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