
Thursday, February 21, 2013

A+ Interactive MATH Grade 1 Review

     Have you ever wondered about getting a Maths Tutor?   Would it interest you to know that there is a comprehensive maths tutor program that would last you for an entire year available?  What if it could free up some teaching time?  What if your children suddenly wanted to do maths because of a computer?  Then I think I might have discovered a program that you'd be interested in.

     Today I'd like to introduce you to A+ TutorSoft, Inc.  An online interactive maths program designed to take the stress out of math instruction by providing all the key components to make a successful year in mathematics.

     For the past several weeks Phebe { my 5 year old } has been having a heap of fun doing maths with A+TutorSoft, Inc. In particular we've been using the 1st Grade Homeschool online edition.  It's definitely FUN when your child ASKS to do maths.

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{ About the Product }

     A+ Interactive MATH Grade 1 is a great interactive program that allows you to hear, see, speak, and touch your math lessons.  The product we used was the online subscription, although you can buy a CD version if you would prefer.   There are 100 different lessons to choose from.  Covering 12 different areas.   Each lesson has 3 different modes of delivery.  The choice of either a multimedia lesson which includes an interactive question and answer time with a scored printout of your results, lessons delivered via printable worksheet, or if you want to save on printing, an online worksheet to do.  It just depends on how you want to do the lesson.  If you like the interaction of the computer or if you like paper, then there's a choice for you.  Either way they have provided the materials to suit everyones needs.  It is particularly useful to have the additional materials for added practice, revision, and mastery.

     They also include lesson plans, exams, progress tracking, and a curriculum text book.  They also have worked solutions, and exam answers too.  Nearly everything is printable if you want to have a hard copy.  Even though they are available for printing I found that I didn't need to print it all.  I would just open the pdf and view them online within the program.

The program lesson plan actually writes in that the student does:

1.  The multimedia lesson.
2.  Interactive question and answer time.
3.  Then a worksheet { your choice if it's paper or online.}
4.  Check progress and review if necessary.

     Here's a quick glance at the Table of Contents so that you can see briefly what they cover throughout the year.  There are 12 different math areas:

1.  Counting Numbers
2.  Number Sense
3.  Comparing and Ordering
4.  Addition - Part 1
5.  Addition - Part 2
6.  Subtraction - Part 1
7.  Subtraction - Part 2
8.  Fractions
9.  Graphs
10.  Time
11.  Money
12.  Measurements
13. Geometry
14.  Algebra

     Each section has a subsection of lessons.  They are easy access, just point and click.  You just have to LOVE point and click~!!  I know I do.

{ How we used it }

     Each school morning we would log in and choose which lesson we wanted to do for the day.   It's very easy to navigate and Phebe picked it up super quick and was able to log herself in whenever she wanted after a while.

     Our most FAVORITE part of the program is the Multimedia Lesson, with it's Interactive Q & A and Printout of results.  So most days we would go straight to the multimedia lesson.  This is where the tutoring really comes in.  It's audio, visual, and interactive.  At the end of the lesson Phebe would send her results to the printer.  This would tell me if she understood the lesson or needed more work with it.

What an open lesson looks like:

 photo 1stGradeOnline.png

     We tried several different content areas.  Sometimes she got 100%, sometimes she scored differently.  I love that we can come back and do the lesson again and again, and in different formats until she has mastery.  Originally we started at the very beginning and would follow it through sequentially,  but as our time drew to a close for the review we started looking at other areas of the program.

Up close of what a printout looks like.  Labelled clearly and easy to read.

When she didn't score 100% on the interactive question and answer section I would go and print up a worksheet for additional practice. I think that there were a couple of other worksheets that I printed too, just for fun to try them out.   We also tried out their online worksheets as well.  My preference is for paper though when it comes to worksheets.  Here are some that got completed.

{ Can I get some samples or a demo? }

     Yes.  TutorSoft actually have a FREE 1 month homeschool online trial available.  I highly recommend trying it out.

Yes, they also have FREE worksheets and other samples available for viewing as well.

For a comprehensive view of what is in their Grade 1 program just click on through to their Table of Contents.   

{ What I thought of it. }

     We really enjoyed doing the maths online.   The explanations were quite clear and easy to follow.  I never had to worry about planning either.  It was all there, all done for me.  The most we had to do was print a few things and follow instructions.

     I would of liked to have seen an option for plain black and white worksheets without any color.  Printing in greyscale is doable, but I'd rather not have to fiddle with my printer settings each time I wanted to print something out.  I also thought that perhaps the graphics could have been a bit more cuter. I'm a little particular about picture content.  Yes, I do realise that I am very spoilt, but hay, these little tiny details are big in my head.  Now having said this, the graphics that they use work within the lessons just fine for the most part.  I say most part because both Phebe and I had trouble counting some of their graphics.  Yep, I had trouble.  In the end I just gave up trying to count how many carrots there were, but if they had put them in groups of ten or a skip counting presentation I think it would of been easier.

     The only other problem we would have is with the money strand, but that is because we are in Australia, and that is an understandable conflict.  This personally did not bother me or cause any problems.  In fact I thought it added to our lessons because that way Phebe got to look at and have some understanding of another country's currency.

{ How much does it cost? }

    It currently retails for $124.99.  This is for a full years comprehensive and total subscription.   Or you could easily pick up a monthly subscription for just $19.95, or quarterly for $49.99.  This sounds like a lot but when you compare it to getting a real live tutor in your home for the year it's an awesome price.  Ever paid for a live tutor?  You'll know what I mean.  Cost comparison shows this program to be a bargain when comparing it to a live tutor.

    What is even better is that they are currently offering an awesome 50% Off Special Promotion to my readers through to the end of March with this code:

"Your private teacher, anytime, anywhere."

     I really like this program as a tutor, even though it's actually really much more than that.  But in my mind I've now got this little saying,  A+ Interactive Math - Grade 1 is your one stop maths TUTOR. And I really like that tutoring suddenly got very affordable with it's discount offer for this program.

     Thanks for visiting, and don't forget to tour A+ TutorSoft for additional information about their products; and check out some other reviews as well.

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.  All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.

1 comment:

  1. Great review love all the pictures. With regards to printing I personally use my laser printer for thethe worksheets and they come out great. Kathy (A+ TutorSoft Social media manager).


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