
Monday, February 11, 2013

Art - Roosters and Elephants

We did Art twice this week~!!

First up, we tried an oil pastel drawing / coloring of a rooster.

The example and instructions are on the left.  My example for the girls on the right.

At first I wasn't so sure about the oil pastel thing, but I really like how it came out in the end.

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 We also did a poster sized painting of an elephant.

I discovered that I could print poster sized pictures on hubby's laptop.  So.........

I went and got me a piece of clipart.  Put it in word.  Turned it into a pdf.  Then I sent it to print 8 x A4.

After that I taped it together.  Added a sun, clouds, and ground.  Then it was ready for the girls to paint.

And voila~!!

 I think that the photo doesn't really show how big it is in real life.  It was definitely a two child job.   I hope we can do some more poster sized pictures soon.  

Thanks for visiting.

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