
Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 5

I always wonder what to put up each week and usually find that I have cull a bit of show and tell.  I never know what is interesting and what isn't - since I'm biased and I love to see my own children's progress and work.

Chloe played one of my 2x games.  We also made a skip counting by 2 strip to add to it all.  The abacus is in the background for her to work out the answer if she gets stuck.

She also moved over to try out fractions for the 2 times tables.


What would HOMEschool be without home made bracelets and rings?  The girls often make crowns, earrings, and accessories.

Phebe worked hard on reviewing her multiple phonograms again this week.  We are slowly working through them.  I'm currently using her LA course as the springboard and following what they are presenting.   When they move on we'll go back and find the ones we missed.

Phebe also started the next book in her Singapore Maths curriculum.

I've really tried to work with Chloe a bit more this week on her Spelling and English.

We started off with a pre-test.  I always start the week this way to show me what she already knows.

This week I added some ABC Order - very specifically tailored to her spelling list.

We continue to have a day where we try the words in cursive.

And of course we did the usual in between days spelling work.

I won't know how much progress we've made until we do the Dictation  later today.  Here's to hoping for success~!!  { At least 12/15 correct would be good }

Edited to add a MIRACLE:

And just for fun, here's a couple of eggs.  Our little girl chookies have started laying.  Can't wait for them all to be on board with that.  :o)

This week I am linking up with:



I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. What a busy week! Looks like fun!

    Excited to be following you, too!

  2. You've been busy! I like your skip counting/multiplication ideas. So neat that you have fresh eggs from your own chickens, too!

    I'm so excited to be following you!

  3. I am in love with your blog! I love owls and pink.... adorable! :-) Will be visiting often! I am so excited to be following you!

  4. I love your bee math cards! Excited to be following you from the Crew!

  5. Of course the rings and bracelets make school more fun! Yeah for fresh eggs. I'm ready for us to raise chickens again.

  6. Thank you so much ladies for visiting and following. :o) It is very encouraging.

  7. I really love those fraction bumble bee math cards! Did you make them or buy them?

  8. Yes, I made them myself. They are out of a pack that I made and sell on TpT. I've laminated my copy.

    They come from here:

    Because you are interested in the 2x Bee theme for Maths I want to share these FREE count by 2's in the Bee theme from here:

    And these FREE 2x Bee Game boards too.

    Thanks so much for visiting. :o)

  9. Chloe seems to be doing work very similar to my baby. Oh how quickly the time flies by! It seems like just a few years ago my 18 year old was doing these things, in school. I was hoping that you would consider adding this to my end of the week link up, Its a Wrap. Please stop by this weekend and check it out. -Savannah

  10. I love the bracelets and rings that your kids made. My daughter's on a paperdoll kick right now, but I can see her making paper jewelry someday.

    I'm so excited to be follwing you!

  11. I love the spelling papers - so cute.


I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.