
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Show and Tell

{ Sunday Show and Tell }

A quick and easy, yummy meal with only a few ingredients.  I simply don't believe in spending loads of time in the kitchen.

{ Ingredients: }

1.  White potato / Sweet potato
2.  Mince meat { ground beef } 500 grams
3.  Taco seasoning mixture
4.  Red / Green capsicums { bell peppers }
5.  Onion

While your peeled and cut potatoes are boiling away brown up your  mince meat in a separate pan.

Once the meat is done add your onion and diced capsicums.

Then add the taco seasoning for a few minutes.  

Mash your potatoes.  Then you're all done.  :o) 

Additionally you could add some taco sauce if you wanted to like I did in the picture.

Serve your meal and enjoy~!!

1 comment:

  1. That looks yummy!
    I am with you - prep and cook time is what keeps me out if the kitchen!!!
    Go Nutty with Me!


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