
Friday, April 12, 2013

Life of Fred

For a little while I'd been hearing the odd mentioning of a maths series called Life of Fred in homeschooling circles.  This of course sparked curiosity in my old curriculum junkie mind and got the better of me, so I went off to find out a little more about it.

The fact that it is completely and TOTALLY different from every other maths program out there heightened its appeal.

I really liked what I found.

I liked the idea of Maths done in a real life context { written in story form } with a bit of funny thrown in for good measure.

I can't wait for our next lesson installment.  I LOVE the fact that there isn't a million gazillion maths sums to practice.  That means we've been able to really just enjoy the reading and the learning.  

Here's the first book - Apples; we are several chapters in to date.  I dunno about the children, but for the first time in my life algebra is actually making real sense to me.  If only I had been taught maths like this when I was a child.

Just click on the Apples book to go and have a peek at what is in this volume.  Don't forget to check out their samples too.

So as you can see I thoroughly thought about my purchase { where I bought them from had enough information to convince me } and decided that this would definitely be something to keep in my library.

No doubt you all shall be hearing more about our little Life of Fred journey in places as we progress.  :o)

Today I am joining up with:

I hope that you can join us.

Just click the carnival picture above to go to the linky list over at Every Bed of Roses for all the entries for the carnival.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. I'll be interested in your ongoing thoughts about this!

  2. We are now half way through the first book. The book has really been great so far. The girls have been covering days of the week, months of the year, counting by 5 and other sundry topics. I particularly enjoyed some interesting tidbits on Archimedes. :o)

  3. My 10 year old has gone through all the elementary books in 18 months we are now on the intermediate! My oldest (12 year old) has started on the older books - He has completed Fractions and now on Decimals and Percents. We use it along side another math program :)

  4. We tried Life of Fred (apples). I was excited about it but my daughter really didn't like the book. She was much happier when we started a very standard maths programme supplemented with a few games. I guess it just didn't quite suit her.

  5. My husband started The Life of Fred for a college algebra class. Health issues forced him to drop out early this semester, so he didn't really get far, but I read the first couple of chapters and thought it was great. We agreed that we would save it for dd when she gets to that point. Of course she just turned two, so we're just starting counting and have a ways to go...


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