
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Science for Grade 3

Today I decided that I was going to jump over to using Rod and Staff for Science.  I like to toggle between a couple of good curriculums so that we don't get bogged down and can quickly pick up enthusiasm again with a little change.

So, I pulled out our Grade 3 Rod and Staff student Science book.  It is hard covered and non-consumable.  Which means that you can use it again and again with additional children in the family. This is not the first time we've used it, I've used it for the older boys when they were younger, so we are definitely getting our money worth with it.

We also have the teachers manual as well, since even I need help with the answers sometimes. :o)  For those who would want the whole set - there is even a test booklet available.  I would also like to mention that this curriculum is very affordable too.  I think it is a great curriculum to keep on the shelves to use full time, or as a back up.  Certainly the cost of the materials would make it very attractive to purchase.

The Grade 3 book is divided up into seven units and covers these topics:

  • God Gave Us Water
  • God Gave Us the Materials We Need
  • God Promised to Protect His Creation
  • God Gave Us Heat and Cold
  • God Cares for Man
  • God Cares for the Animals
  • God Told Man to Care for His Creation

At the end of each unit there is a review included.  

At the beginning of each lesson new vocabulary is introduced and defined.  The course builds an impressive science vocabulary.

They include nice, but plain pencil drawings, with the occasional photograph within the book.  There are questions and experiments for each lesson.

Yeah, so I'll be using this book as a read aloud.  We'll do the questions orally.  I don't know about you, but I have found that my children can get tired and fussy when having to do so many written lessons.  So I just feel that science is one of those subjects that we can short cut a little on in the earlier years.  When I say short cut - I just mean not have to write everything out.

I'll also be including Phebe { 6 } in as well.  That way both girls will be doing science together and that in itself will save me considerable time.

What Science curriculums do you use?
Do you toggle or just use the one?


  1. We are moving to Common Core curriculum for our district. I love seeing what you are doing at home with your girls...the are super cute! My dream is to have 4 girls one day :)
    I'm your newest follower!
    Kickin' it in Kindergarten

  2. Very nice to meet you Elizabeth. :o) Thanks for visiting.


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