
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bible Quotes Review

     Have you ever tried Bible copywork in your homeschool?  Not only does your child get to practice spelling, penmanship, reading, punctuation, and grammar, but they also get the scriptures and manual to life as well.  Feed your child academically and spiritually.  What an awesome combination!

     These past few weeks we've had the opportunity to review an ebook of Bible Quotes by Joyce Herzog.

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{ About the Product }

     Each list of Bible quotes within the ebook are gathered together according to a particular phonetic skill, which is based upon the 'Scaredy Cat Reading System' written by Joyce Herzog { a separate product }.  The ebook is 26 pages in length which includes the cover and introduction. 

{ A sampling of the printed pages from the ebook }

The rules are clearly and conveniently located at the top of each page.

The ebook is a tool for parents.  There is no fluff included, or pictures within the text.  It is purely a list of verses that will help you to focus on particular set of phonetic skills.  

{ How We Used It }

     Since we already had a good feel for phonics we went ahead and used this product for cursive penmanship.  That means I simply printed the book out, and then used it to copy out the scripture verses into an exercise book, and then had Chloe { 8 } copy them in her cursive handwriting.

     I choose a normal lined exercise book in which to house our copywork.

I would write out each scripture verse and then Chloe would then read and copy it.

     I do have to mention that Chloe is 8 years old.  Had she been any younger I might have felt that it would of been more appropriate to use a different style and method of copywork.  I would of also quite possibly used this product in a different manner. This is important to mention because it is the younger audience who are just learning their phonograms and are beginning reading that this ebook and its verses are intended for.

     While the ebook refers to a separate product - namely the 'Scaredy Cat Reading System', and the phonetic skills are based on the { SCRS } as well, one is still able to use the material as a stand alone without any problem. 

     I feel that this product is more for the parent and not for the child in its present form.  It is a homeschooling tool, and not a workbook / worktext that you would just hand over to a child.  This in itself is a needful thing to know.

     Even though the product says that it can be used for spelling it does not give any lists of spelling words.  The parent would have to make such a list.

     Finally, even though I really do love the idea of Bible copywork from Bible Quotes I don’t think that I would use this product exclusively or even long term.  There is not enough material to use it long term. { If you have a Bible - that's exhaustive, and would supply your needs well met. }  It is even doubtful that I would use it for phonics instruction { which is its main focus }.  This is due to the fact that often when we choose a single verse to use for one particular phonetic structure we are also bombarded with multiple other phonetic structures within the very same sentence.  To use the sentence in its entirety the child will have to be able to use a host of other phonograms as well.  So basically, just using it for a single phonogram may not be so beneficial at all.  If the child has not mastered other phonograms before attempting the scriptures this could easily burden or confuse the child all the more.   Especially for example when the focus is on using short vowel sounds but being presented with multiple phonograms like / or, ck, ng, th, ch, er, ou / { on the very first page I might add } in the sentence.  What do we teach first?  Line upon line, precept upon precept – is it not?  Now having said this, I do feel that it would still be quite beneficial to copy the scriptures as a way of practicing and cementing already gained skills, as consolidation.   So if you want a product to help you consolidate and practice – this would work.  If you want a way to teach phonics, there are better ways of doing that.

{ How Much Does it Cost? }

     Download the pdf today for $12.00.

     Thanks for visiting, and don't forget to visit Joyce Herzog for additional information about Bible Quotes and other products that she has available.  Oh and please do check out some of the other awesome reviews done by my fellow crew members on the different products by Joyce Herzog as well.

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