
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Latin - Prima Latina

Now that we are moving back over to a more classical model I have added in the study of Latin.  I say moving back because this is not the first time that I have had my hand in the classical - or rather neo-classical style of education cupboard.  I'm still on the fence as to how much of a role Latin { or Greek } will play in our current homeschool though.

Many years ago when the boys were in their elementary school years we gave the classical model a bit of a run.  So within that context they were exposed, with a considerable amount, to both Latin and Greek.  Move forward about 7 years in time, which brings us to today, { like all good curriculum junkies } I still had a bunch of these resources available on my shelves.  In particular, I have some of the best grammar stage handy dandy Latin materials available for beginners.

Introducing: Miss Prima Latina by Memoria Press.  Perfect for absolute beginners at roughly Grade 3 { or Grade 1 too if you want a little one to tag along with an older child for the ride. You must promise not to get pedantic or pushy about the grammar though }.  Our main focus is just to acquire some basic vocabulary and introduction to the subject.

I figure that we could get a LONG way even without the workbooks, especially for this particular year / course.  I may look at investing in the workbooks for the following years though since they require a bit more focus and attention.  We'll see how the girls take to doing Latin.  

{ Teachers Manual and CD }

{ A heap of flash cards - mostly Latin }

These were made roughly 2005/2006.  There are a LOT of cards in here, all printed and cut.  The only bad thing about it all is that they are all totally jumbled up.

This leaves me with the despicable and arduous task of trying to find the ONE card that we need each day.  Something that I am not looking forward to having to do.  So, I am actually tossing to and fro in my mind as to whether or not to just make new cards as we require them.

* * * * * * *

A fun message for my Latin buddies.

So, tell me, do you do Latin in your homeschool?  What do you use?

Today I'm going to link up with:

Living and Learning at Home

I hope you can join us.


  1. We are currently on the fence deciding between Prima Latina and Visual Latin for next year. I have both. I just need to play with them a bit more before I decide.

  2. Jeanne: I popped over to your blog and saw your post on Minimus. Looks quite interesting. I love that you can get little Latin readers with it. Something I should very much like to look into.

    Tara: I have heard of Visual Latin - but I haven't actually seen it, so I shall be putting that on my "to look at" list. :o)

  3. My kids are little, and we have been LOVING Song School Latin! I don't know what we will end up using in a few years, but it is perfect for the little ones =) Thanks for linking this up to Trivium Tuesdays!


I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.