
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Next Year I Am Definitely Going To......

There's an awesome little linky party happening right now on the internet.  I've been busy reading some of the link ups already, which of course made me want to come and link up as soon as possible.  Now that I've actually found a little time this afternoon I thought that I'd jump right on in and link up.  I'm a planner and tick list maker by nature, and as such, I am permanently organizing things for the future, so this little linky is PERFECT to map out those really big ticket ideas that I want to do next year.

Kim from Finding Joy in 6th Grade is hosting this awesome, interesting, and fun linky party.  What things are you definitely going to do, or change to next year?

Now, while it is true that my situation is a little bit different from you all, in the sense that I don't have 30 students, or a nice big classroom, however we are all similar in that we all still teach - albeit I just do it at home.

We're homeschoolers, but I'm very happy to hang out with you all { and pick up teaching ideas too - most appreciated }

So, first up:

Yep, the Progymnasmata~!!  I am sooooo excited.  We are going to start the long journey through classical composition.

I am shocking at keeping reading logs.  My girls read so much that I can't be bothered with keeping track of it all.  I know, bad.  I sort of do need to keep track of it all though.  So I am hoping that I can do that better next year.

This year we are taking Latin and Greek in the slow lane.  Real slow.  So next year we'll have to pick it up a bit.

Last, but not least - Little Miss Hannah { 4y1m }.  She's the first one I drop when my plate gets full.  I just put all her school work on the bench for "later".  Which isn't really fair to her because she has an ability and aptitude for a lot more than what her age would otherwise dictate.  She is currently half way through Grade 1.  She's terribly desperate to get to Grade 2 maths just so that she can catch up to Phebe - as it turns out she's also a little competitive.

Yeah, so that's my top 4 things that I want to definitely do next school year.

I hope you will join us { for the linky party } and if you ever wondered about homeschooling and what we do, please feel free to drop in any time.  :o)

1 comment:

  1. That is a great (and ambitious) list. Good luck! Your girls are lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful mom.

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family


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