
Friday, May 24, 2013

Places To Visit

Yesterday provided a really BIG detour in our day.  My oldest daughter had to have an emergency c-section - so I was out with her for most of the day.   It started with me leaving home at 11am to go pick Michelle up for her doctor appointment - she had had an ultrasound the day before and it was clear that the baby was breech, small, and appeared to have slowed down in the growing department, and no fluid { originally I thought they may try to turn the baby but no, it wasn't safe to do so}.  So from the doctors appointment we went straight to hospital where they also confirmed the findings and the next thing you know she was booked in for a c-section.  Yep, for that very afternoon.  She didn't even have time to go home and get anything.  The operation went well, and as it turned out the placenta was on it's way out, and not looking too good, and obviously not functioning well either at this point, so it was a good call on their side.  

The girls will now be on vacation for 2 weeks as I'll be a little more busy with the grandbabies back at home here.

Marley was born at 4:54pm.   She is the tiniest and gorgeous little dolly with a mop of dark hair.  5 pounds.  She is doing very well.  I will try to get you all a photo in the morning after this post goes live.  Hoping to have one up by tomorrow night.

* * * * * * *

In other news:  this week I traveled to these places.

I continue to seek to tweak our program and gain additional thoughts and ideas with which to incorporate either now, or in the future.

All sorts of freebies from homeschoolers, for homeschoolers.

Worksheet Works
In Beta testing.

Latin and Greek materials from:

Many years ago I had a rather brief love affair with a particular style of composition, the progymnasmata.  However, when additional little girl babies arrived in the house and the boys drifted away from Latin, Greek, and Classical learning I just put this attractive and appealing idea away into the back of my mind.  As of lately, it has now been revived, and I have once again returned to having another, fresh look at it.

Memoria Press is moving in the direction of adding their own set of books to service the progymnasmata { they have the first 3 books }.  Written by the same author of Classical Composition but given the classic Memoria Press feel and presentation.

Classical Composition already have a set up and running.

Classical Composition Intro.

Classical Writing also have their hand in the pie.

Have you ever heard of the progymnasmata?  What do you think of it?

“I am struck by the fact that the more slowly trees grow at first, the sounder they are at the core, and I think that the same is true of human beings. We do not wish to see children precocious, making great strides in their early years like sprouts, producing a soft and perishable timber, but better if they expand slowly at first, as if contending with difficulties, and so are solidified and perfected. Such trees continue to expand with nearly equal rapidity to extreme old age."
- Henry David Thoreau

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