
Friday, May 3, 2013


     This week I've been revamping our whole entire language arts for the girls.  I wanted to go back to doing copywork more seriously and get real on dictation too.  So I figured one of the best ways to do that was to just go classical.  I'm not sure what I'll do with the remainder of our CLE workbooks for the duration, but they'll probably get used somewhere along the line when we need a break from the rigors of the classical model.

     This presented a need to select a spelling course.  Normally the spelling component is included in the CLE Language Arts course and now that I was shelving it we needed another spelling avenue.  It's a good thing I'm a bit of a curriculum junkie and keep all sorts of things laying around.  As it turned out we had Rod and Staff Spelling for Grades 2 and 3.  Perfect for my 6 and 8 year olds.

{ Grade 3 cover }

{ Sample lesson }

{ Grade 2 cover }

{ Sample lesson }

As you can see in the photo, when initially going through the word list with Phebe I marked up all the words according to the multiple phonograms, and short / long vowels.  I firmly believe that this helps the child to sound out and remember how to spell a word.

In addition to the workbooks here, we are adding spelling rules and doing dictation as well.

What do you use for spelling?

Thanks for visiting.

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