
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Book Purchases at the Conference

I can't believe how patient you all are in regards to waiting to find out what I bought at the conference!  For sure I was thinking someone would want to know what I bought before now.

{ The Return of the Daughters }

As you know I still have 4 little girls in the house to raise.  So I thought that I might like to hear a little about the vision of keeping daughters at home until they marry.  I did like this documentary even though the Botkin Girls look and act more like porcelain dolls.  Overall it is a lovey introduction to the old time biblical concept of keeping daughters at home until they marry. I intend on my girls watching it numerous times over the next 10 years.  Sometimes for encouragement, sometimes to help keep the vision alive and focused.

{ So Much More }

Not read YET.  I am thinking that this shall be a nice little addition in our teenager years. In between time I hope to get a bit out of it myself.

{ Keeping Our Children's Hearts }

Something for me.  Not sure how quickly I can get to it, but it shall be on my shelf waiting for a read this year.  The sooner the better.

{ How To Be A Lady }

I have perused this book and can't wait to get into it more seriously.  I am thinking it will also make for a nice read aloud.

{ Joyfully At Home }

Another one for the teenager years - although I am thinking perhaps I can glean a lot before then to share with the girls.  It's all in the preparation and planning isn't it?  The earlier we get to these ideas, the smoother it will be to implement and carry on through.

{ The Bronze Bow }

Something for our school bookshelf.

{ Carry On, Mr. Bowditch }

Another for the school bookshelf.

Ah...... and that brings us to the end of the book pile - almost.  There were a couple of other bits and pieces that missed the photo  session, but never mind we can mosey past them another day.

Additionally, I did have to ORDER some items because not everything I wanted was available at a desk.

So that will mean more show and tell at some later point I imagine.  :o)  It's always good to know that I'll have up and coming blogging topics / items to blog about.

I do hope you like my little book additions.

Do you have copies?

Have you read them?

Do tell~!!


  1. Ha ha! I thought the same about return of the daughters too! They would' nt even crack a smile! Was interested in a few of the things you got but, alas. Not much money. Will probably order online. Thanks for the show and tell. :-)

  2. And one other thing, it always makes me giggle that 'how to be a lady' was written by a man. Lol. Find it rather ironic. I hope he doesn't dress like one in his spare time. :-P

  3. Hmmmm. Read The Return of the Daughters ~ but....
    Read Bowditch & The Bronze Bow but neither were really my thing though if Bowditch was better written I think I might have been more interested. However your taste is rather different to mine so you will probably enjoy them.

  4. Megan: LOL - It should make for a very interesting read then knowing it was written by a man. I will always keep that in the back of my mind and see what advice he gives. :o)

    Jehane: I'd ask you about the but..... but I sort of already know the answer. :o)

    ha ha ha - that's how I feel about the 'Little House on the Prairie' series. If they were better written I might have been more interested. I'll probably get crucified for not thinking so much of that particular series since it is so globally acclaimed. I haven't the foggiest idea really about either of these two new novels though at this point, so we'll see.

  5. Mr Bowditch is a fabulous book. Bronze Bow is our next read aloud. All the others are new to me. Can't wait for your reviews!

  6. Can't wait to read them all. :o)


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