
Monday, June 3, 2013

How Much Time?

Ever wonder HOW much time I spend on subjects for the girls?  Today I'd like to share a quick snap shot.

Chloe is Grade 3
Phebe is Grade 1

My day is typically all mixed up with interruptions, changes in preference for each subject - which means that they can tackle any subject in any order based on how they feel each day, and roughly it goes something like this:

- New Testament Commands copywork
  2 commands each ( 10 mins )
- Bible story ( 10 mins )

- Rod and Staff ( 15 mins )
- Copy list words ( 5 mins )

- Rod and Staff ( 20 mins )
- Skip counting for Phebe, Times Tables for Chloe

- 10 to 20 mins for the girls to read
- a minimum of 30 mins by me on the days I read
  { You can see what I've been reading to them in my 2013 Reading list, click tab above. }

- Rod and Staff ( 20 mins )

Copywork / Writing
- Currently McGuffey, Writing Strands, ( 20 mins ) Materials rotated on different days.

- Prima Latina ( 5 mins )

- Elementary Greek ( 5 mins )

- Story of the World ( 30 mins ) Twice a week.

- Rod and Staff ( 20 mins ) Twice a week.

- Various projects, various times.

- based on whim at present
  Using Childrens Music Journey

Our days are very broken with plenty of interruptions, and distractions.  ie.  Nappies, meals, housework, and playing games.

Another thing is that some lessons can take longer - especially if we encounter some difficulty or I leave the children to sit alone { they tend to end up talking and playing without me there. }

Overall though, the girls end up doing just over 2 hours of serious book work each day.  I usually count me reading to them as a separate thing.

Another thing to note is that I have recently tweaked our schedule and curriculum so it might be interesting to see what we're up to in another 6 months.

In addition I also have two highschoolers, a kindergartner { who does some Grade 1 }, and a toddler too.

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