
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tot School

Charlotte is almost 2.  Almost.  She has taken to mimicking the girls doing school work - to some degree.  So I think that I might have to be a little more thoughtful about giving her some "educational" experiences to help encourage her along and satisfy her want of school.

With that in mind I decided that today was the day.  Yep, I was going to read a book just for her.  Our goal was that she had to remain on my lap for the entire duration of the story.

{ The Tale of Peter Rabbit }

It's not a very long book, so all good there.

 It also has very nice pictures to look at as we read.

At the end of the story I tried to get her to say, "rabbit," and "Mr McGregor".  Both were declined.

The good news about Tot School is that I might actually get some show and tell for the remainder of the alphabet in my category list in the next year or so.  :o)

{ I envision Tot School being for the age of 2.  Preschool for age 3.  Kindy for age 4-5.  Grade 1 for age 5-6. }

What books are you reading your 2 year old?  What do you recommend for a 2 year old?  Do share.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. My littlest is almost 2. I've just started having her on my lap while I read to the others. She seems to like Berenstain Bears and Curious George, when she's not trying to pull it off my hands! I have a big book of Mother Goose I want to start soon. Good for language development at this age.

  2. Hi Belinda, How's things going? Great to see you.

    Yes, We have a couple of Berenstain Bears books too. Charlotte LOVES books and often mimics reading them. She has a little bundle of board books that she loves as well.

    Yes, one of my goals is that I want to encourage her vocabulary to develop. :o)


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